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Research and Analyses

July 23, 2016 - admin

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Baseline Analysis of Economic Sectors

In order to identify which economic sectors are the most competitive and which economic sectors can largely contribute to the improvement of the economy in the Krajina region, Baseline Analysis of Economic Sectors was prepared. Based on the analysis of data on income, export, productivity, employment and return on assets for more than 8,300 companies from the 36 municipalities covered by the project, we concluded that the most competitive are: metal, wood processing and food sector, as well as leather and footwear production, together with information and communication technology, and rubber and plastics as sectors that provide support to other sectors in improving their production and productivity. For this reason, the project activities were focused on the aforementioned sectors.

Summary of geographical distribution of companies:









Sector composite index of competitiveness:

index of competitiveness








Value Chain Analysis

In order to understand the challenges faced by companies in leading industrial sectors, based on a series of interviews with directors of companies, their suppliers, customers and supporting institutions, a value chain analysis for each of the sectors was prepared. Value chain represents a series of organizations and institutions involved in process of creating and delivering of product, i.e. value for consumer – from procurement, over production and distribution, to the final consumer. Conducting of the value chain analysis is important because of the fact that the competitiveness of a particular company is largely determined by competitiveness of its suppliers and customers, as well as relevant supporting institutions. The analysis provides insight in the weakest links in the chain whose strengthening leads to empowering chain as a whole, providing benefits to all participants in the value chain.

Value chain for poultry meat and poultry meat products:

value chain










Value Chain Analysis of Key Economic Sectors
Value Chain Analysis for Meat and Meat Products
Value Chain Analysis for Hydronic Heating Boilers and Stainless Steel Water Heaters
Value Chain Analysis for Solid Wood Furniture
Value Chain Analysis for Shoes Production



Based on the value chain analysis, the gap analysis of metal, food, wood and leather and footwear industry was prepared. It provides answers to the questions: where are we now (description of the current situation in respective sectors), where do we want to be (indicative sketch of the desired future situation in the sectors) and how should we get there (concrete measures to overcome gaps identified while working with the sector boards).

GAP Analysis of Key Economic Sectors
GAP Analysis of the Metal Industry
GAP Analysis of the Wood Processing Industry
GAP Analysis of the Food Industry
GAP Analysis of the Leather and Footwear Industry


Business Environment Barometer of SMEs

Business Environment Barometer of small and medium enterprises presents a part of research activities that are implemented within the “CREDO Krajina” Project. The research deals with opinions and attitudes of SME representatives from selected economic sectors on the most important preconditions and characteristics of business. The research is performed two times a year, using identical procedure, while selected sample remains the same (panel research). The selected methodology enables following of trends, as the attitudes are monitored in comparison with the previous semi-annual periods, while questions are related both to internal environment (scope of production, financial results, employees, investments, etc.) and to external environment (business environment, available financial support, inclusion into initiatives or discussions about the improvement of business conditions, etc.). Benefits of the research are numerous for both, entrepreneurs and institutions dealing with economic development. In period from May 2014 to February 2016, four issues of the Business Environment Barometer of SMEs were prepared.

Inclusion into initiatives or debates on business environment improvements:








Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 4 – local language
Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 3 – English
Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 2 – local language
Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 1 – local language


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