Published Guide for establishing energy efficiency networks in the industry and a Methodological manual for preliminary energy audits

Within the project “Energy Efficiency Network in Industry in BiH” implemented by ReSET Center for Sustainable Energy Transition, Sarajevo with the support of the project “SBA in BiH”, a guide for establishing energy efficiency networks in the industry and a methodological manual for preliminary energy audit were prepared.

The Guide for the establishment of energy efficiency networks in industry describes a method of supporting SMEs to improve energy efficiency – the concept of energy efficiency networks in the industry. The concept of SME support is complementary to the activities envisaged in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of BiH. The aim of the efficiency networks in industry model is to integrate the measures proposed in the NEEAP BiH into systematic institutional support (ecosystem) for industrial SMEs in the upcoming decarbonization process. The guide in the local language is available here:

The Methodological manual for a preliminary energy audit is a kind of guide for auditors when conducting preliminary energy audits. It was created within the project “Energy Efficiency Network in Industry in BiH” whose goal is to conduct preliminary audits of energy flows in selected SMEs, identify places to improve energy efficiency, assess the level of implementation and readiness to introduce energy management systems and propose solutions for greater use of renewable energy sources, especially solar photovoltaic systems. The methodological manual for the preliminary energy audit can be downloaded here:

The project “European framework for strategy and policy development for SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina – SBA in BiH” is implemented by Eda and financed by Sweden.