Announcement of the 5th annual conference on support to SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eda – Enterprise Development Agency, in program cooperation with GIZ and UNDP and with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in BiH through the project “Advanced Implementation of Small Business Act Framework in BiH2EU – SBA in BiH2EU”, are organizing the 5th annual conference on the topic “How to support export-oriented SMEs in BiH to be more resilient to sudden external shocks”.

The conference will be held on Thursday, 8 December 2022 from 11:00 to 15:00 on the premises of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo (Street Branislava Đurđeva 10), according to the program that is available HERE.

The conference will discuss shocks and cycles of crises as a new reality (from the COVID crisis to a new global crisis, energy crisis, etc.). We will try together to find answers to the following questions:

  • what support instruments can be used to develop the resilience of SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina to sudden shocks?
  • what is the situation of export-oriented SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to what extent the available support instruments are contributing to their resilience?
  • what are the possibilities of adapting existing and creating new support instruments?

We especially emphasize that all conference participants will have the opportunity to contribute with their experiences, opinions and suggestions to find effective answers to key questions of the conference.

Those interested in participating in the conference can register via Eda’s email: [email protected].

The conference is organized within the project “Advanced implementation of the Small Business Act in BiH2EU – SBA in BiH2EU” implemented by Eda in cooperation with the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency SERDA, and financed by Sweden.