Announcement of the 7th Annual Conference on SME Support in BiH

The Enterprise Development Agency Eda, in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, and with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in BiH through the project “Advanced Implementation of the Small Business Act in BiH2EU – SBA in BiH2EU,” is organizing the 7th Annual Conference on Small and Medium Enterprises on the topic: “SME NEXT – From (Un)Learned Lessons to Crisis as an Opportunity“.

The conference will take place on Monday, April 14, 2025, from 12:00 to 15:30 at the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH in Sarajevo (Branislava Đurđeva 10).

The first part of the conference will focus on the results and (un)learned lessons related to SME policies and support instruments, as identified through the “SBA in BiH2EU” project. The second part will address new challenges SMEs face amid the global political and economic crisis, exploring whether, and how, the crisis can be leveraged as an opportunity to transform SMEs and the economy in BiH toward smart growth and sustainable development, with higher added value and better-quality jobs – especially for young people and professionals.

The program will be highly dynamic and diverse, providing all participants with the opportunity to contribute their experiences, opinions, and proposals toward finding more effective forms of support for the sustainable development of small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Interested participants can register for the conference via email [email protected].

The conference is organized as part of the project “Advanced Implementation of the Small Business Act in BiH2EU – SBA in BiH2EU,” implemented by Eda in cooperation with the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA and funded by Sweden.