Eda has been working on the creation and application of knowledge essential for the development of enterprises and local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans region.

We successfully integrate an action-research approach to deeply understand the context and nature of challenges, along with development support that focuses on emerging practices and finding practical, feasible and innovative solutions.

We are focused on transforming management approaches from reactive to creative.

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Eda agency mission

Eda as a partner

Eda is interested in collaboration in regional projects, where we can be a reliable, proactive, and creative partner. We believe that there are many opportunities for synergy in interactions with partner organizations. Our experiences, references, and acquired credibility can contribute to better project design and implementation.

Eda as an implementer of complex projects

Key donors in Bosnia and Herzegovina entrust us with the management of increasingly demanding projects, and large international implementers/donors are engaging us more often in carrying out project components where, in addition to deep and specific knowledge, a special sensitivity to the local context and relationships among stakeholders is required. Thanks to our developed capacities, a stable and complementary team, and decades of experience, Eda is a reliable implementer of complex projects.


Research on networking between enterprise experts and consultants

Research on networking between enterprise experts and consultants

Eda conducted research aimed at gathering insights into what enterprise experts think about the idea of connecting/networking with consultants, whether they are professionally and personally interested in such networking, and if so, what they expect from others and themselves in future cooperation. We gathered responses from 77 experts from 75 enterprises operating in various sectors […]

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Guidelines for introducing gender-responsive public procurement into the practice of local self-government units prepared

Guidelines for introducing gender-responsive public procurement into the practice of local self-government units prepared

The guidelines provide local self-government units with concrete steps for implementing gender-responsive principles in public procurement procedures, relying on the results of analyses and recommendations from relevant studies. By implementing these guidelines, local self-government units can build a fairer and more inclusive public procurement system, contributing to the more efficient use of public funds and […]

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Adoption and application of new knowledge in Eda’s team

Adoption and application of new knowledge in Eda’s team

Following yesterday’s training on the use of the new technique “Estuarine mapping” developed by the Cynefin Company, Pavle Miovčić shared the acquired knowledge and information with the rest of Eda’s team today. We attempted to apply this technique to an actual and challenging topic: how to facilitate and accelerate the digital transformation of SMEs in […]

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Roundtable on enhancing women’s participation and introducing gender-sensitive policies in public procurement held

Roundtable on enhancing women’s participation and introducing gender-sensitive policies in public procurement held

Eda, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized a roundtable on the topic “How to Enhance Women’s Participation and Introduce Gender-Sensitive Policies in Public Procurement in BiH”. The roundtable brought together representatives of the Public Procurement Agency of BiH, the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of […]

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New Blog: Training Needs of Enterprises – What Changes and What Remains Stabile

New Blog: Training Needs of Enterprises – What Changes and What Remains Stabile

The blog provides an overview of a conducted research study on companies’ training needs. Which findings surprised us, and what was expected? Find out in the new blog by Miloš Šipragić: https://edabl.org/training-needs-of-enterprises-what-changes-and-what-remains-the-same/

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Public Calls


External Public Calls

Call for investment incentives in 2025 - Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the RS

Application deadline: 31.03.2025. View

Competition for the selection of beneficiaries of grant funds for capital and current transfers for 2025 - Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts

Application deadline: 11.04.2025. View

Call for unemployed persons to participate in free trainings

Application deadline: View

Call for unemployed persons to participate in training on starting their own business

Application deadline: View

Reading room

Projects and References

Guidelines for Introducing Gender-Responsive Public Procurement into the Practice of Local Self-Government Units

Guidelines for Introducing Gender-Responsive Public Procurement into the Practice of Local Self-Government Units

Description: These guidelines provide local self-government units with concrete steps for implementing gender-responsive principles in public procurement procedures, relying on the results of analyses and recommendations from relevant studies. The guidelines were prepared as part of the project “Enhancing women’s participation and gender-sensitive policies in public procurement at the local level in BiH”. The publication is available […]

Gender-Responsive Public Procurement in BiH: Current State and Perspectives

Gender-Responsive Public Procurement in BiH: Current State and Perspectives

Description: The study includes an analysis of the current state and opportunities for improving gender-responsive public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 2,000 public procurement procedures in 12 local communities in BiH were analyzed during 2023, two focus groups were organized, and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant stakeholders. The key findings were used to […]

An Analysis of Interest, Motivation, and Preferences for Establishing a Network of Practitioners Supporting SME Development in BiH

An Analysis of Interest, Motivation, and Preferences for Establishing a Network of Practitioners Supporting SME Development in BiH

Description: The publication presents the results of research on the interest, motivation, and preferences for establishing a network or community of practitioners providing support for SME development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research involved practitioners, as well as representatives of companies and institutions supporting the business sector in BiH, whose views and opinions were gathered […]

Training Needs of Companies in Leading Economic Sectors of BiH: Survey Results

Training Needs of Companies in Leading Economic Sectors of BiH: Survey Results

Description: This publication presents the results of a survey on the training needs of companies in the leading economic sectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to insights on which trainings are considered a priority by sector, the survey also highlights the necessary trainings for company owners/managers, preferences regarding training delivery methods, willingness to (co)fund […]

Development of Action Plans for Implementing SME Development Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Development of Action Plans for Implementing SME Development Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Description: This document provides practical guidelines and tools for improving the process of developing action plans, which will enable more efficient coordination and implementation of sectoral strategies for SME and entrepreneurship development. The recommendations focus on achieving optimal integration of action plans into medium-term and annual work plans and budgetary plans of administrative bodies at […]

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