4th call of the Challenge fund for the submission of innovative business ideas published

Economic entities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sweden with innovative business ideas, products, or services that can lead to increased competitiveness, reduced unemployment, and sustainable socio-economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have a new opportunity to obtain non-refundable funds from the Challenge Fund as part of the Fourth call for applications for innovative business ideas.

A budget with an indicative amount of EUR 400,000 is available for potential applicants, and the deadline for submitting applications is July 1, 2024, by 4 PM.

For potential users in the startup category, who have been registered for at least 6 months and no longer than two years, the maximum grant amount is EUR 10,000, while for users in the mature business entities category, with up to 250 employees and operating for two years or more, the maximum grant amount is EUR 30,000. Applicants are required to provide a minimum own contribution of 50% of the total value of the proposed project. The project implementation period cannot be shorter than three months or longer than 12 months.

The application process for the public call is conducted exclusively through online application via the electronic system for application and evaluation (eMSAE), which is available on the website www.c2c.ba, where the Applicant’s Guide, which is part of the Application Package, can also be found. Applications submitted by mail (printed form), fax, or any other way will not be considered or evaluated.

The Challenge to Change 3.0 project is a three-year project with a total value of EUR 3 million, financed by Sweden. The project is implemented by the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA in partnership with the Enterprise Development Agency Eda. The Region of Ostergotland, Eastern Sweden, is also a project partner.