Practical recommendations for improving procedures for grant allocation to support SMEs in BiH

Practical recommendations for improving procedures for grant allocation to support SMEs in BiH

Description: The recommendations stem from a decade of experience by Eda and other organizations in the process of allocating grant funds for projects aimed at SME development in BiH. This document covers all phases of the grant recipient selection process and the implementation of project activities, with a particular focus on identified shortcomings and potential improvements. Additionally, it offers examples of good practices and specific recommendations for enhancement. The recommendations are intended for institutions and organizations responsible for supporting SME development in BiH or those whose activities include financing and approving grant funds. The recommendations were prepared as part of the project “SBAinBiH2EU”. The publication is available only in the local language.

Year of Publication: 2024

Author: Brankica Radulović, Bojan Kovačević, Goran Janković, Jelena Prohaska, Srećko Bogunović,  Pavle Miovčić