Survey on training needs in leading economic sectors launched

Eda – Enterprise Development Agency, in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska, the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of BiH, and the Chamber of Commerce of the Brčko District of BiH, is conducting a survey on the training needs of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This survey was initiated based on OECD recommendations from the SBA (Small Business Act) Implementation Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically for dimension 8a (Enterprise skills), which suggested the introduction of a regular annual assessment of training needs (knowledge and skills) in leading economic sectors.

The findings of this research aim to contribute to creating systemic support in this, increasingly important dimension of SME business operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by the relevant institutions at appropriate levels. It will also help improve the evaluation in the next reports of the OECD and the European Commission.

Therefore, we invite companies and entrepreneurs to complete a short online questionnaire related to their sector by September 30, 2024:

The questionnaire takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. We thank you in advance for the cooperation. For additional information or technical support, companies and entrepreneurs can contact Miloš Šipragić from Eda – Enterprise Development Agency (email: [email protected], phone: 051/300-241).

The research is being conducted as part of the project “Advanced Implementation of the Small Business Act in BiH2EU – SBA in BiH2EU,” implemented by Eda in cooperation with the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA and financed by Sweden.