The third part of the training “Start your business” held

The third part of the training “Start your business”  was held on Thursday, December 17, for unemployed people from the Municipality of Prnjavor who are registered in the Employment Sevice of the Republic of Srpska, as well as for graduates of the High School Center “Ivo Andrić” who will be active participants in the labor market from June next year

The “Start your business” training is conducted according to the methodology of the International Labor Organization, during which participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a business idea, i.e. create a business plan. At the end of the training, unemployed persons will present their business idea in front of the committee, and up to 5 unemployed persons whose business ideas are rated the best can receive financial and advisory support for starting their own business.

The advisory and financial support program for business development is implemented within the framework of the „Sustainable Partnership for Employment“ project, which is funded by the European Union, and is being implemented within the second phase of the project „EU Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II“ (LEP II), which is implemented by the International Labor Organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Local Partnership for Employment Prnjavor is one of 20 partnerships established in BiH within the project “EU Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II” (LEP II), funded by the European Union with 4 million euros and implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The project aims to contribute to the improvement of employment in local communities through local employment partnerships and to improve the skills and employment opportunities of disadvantaged people in the labor market. For more information about the LEP II project, visit and social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).