The final conference of the DIH IDEMO project held

Organized by the Digital Innovation Hub “IDEMO,” the conference “Digital Innovation Hub: The Engine of Development and Regional Economic Connectivity” was held in Banja Luka.

Representatives from companies, institutions, and international organizations heard from domestic and foreign experts about the digitalization of work and production processes, opportunities provided by regional connectivity, the use of available resources, and the implementation of innovative projects.

The conference included two panels. The first panel, on the topic “Digitalization of Business Processes: The Key to Competitiveness and Profitability of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,” was moderated by Goran Janković from Eda, with panelists Zebir Filović (No limits), Dragan Vučić (Cyclos Systems) and Aleksandar Danon (Business Mentor). The second panel, on the topic “The Future of Innovative Ecosystems,” was moderated by Siniša Begović, with panelists Antonio José Castro and Tomislav Plesec (AI & gaming EDIH).

The results and achievements of the Digital Innovation Hub “IDEMO” were presented, along with plans for the future.

IDEMO is one of the supported digital innovation hubs within the project “Innovation and Digitalization of SMEs/EU4DigitalSME.” DIH IDEMO consists of the Innovation Center Banja Luka, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, the Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska, and Eda – Enterprise Development Agency.

The project, jointly funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ), focuses on establishing and supporting the development of digital innovation hubs (DIH) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).