Look at the infographic of the project SBA in BiH

Presenting a complex project such as the SBA in BiH in a simple, concise, and visually attractive way is not easy. However, we tried to do just that through the infographics we prepared.

The infographic shows the 5 most important areas of project interventions (harmonization of the legal framework for SMEs, strategic framework for SME and entrepreneurship development, financial support SIEM used to improve the implementation of SME-focused strategies and plans, harmonization of SME policies and strengthening public-private dialogue for SME development) and their impact on improving relevant dimensions of the SBA profile of BiH with the aim that BiH reaches the average of the Western Balkan countries and Turkey in at least 4 dimensions by 2022 and at least 6 dimensions by 2025. All this should facilitate and accelerate the path to economic integration BiH with the EU. We are glad to work on that with our partners.

The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is funded by Sweden.