A public call for submission of project proposal concepts in the field of promotion of energy efficiency networks in industry

Eda published a public call for the submission of project proposal concepts in the field of promotion of energy efficiency networks in industry. The aim of the public call is to improve the energy efficiency of domestic SMEs, through the promotion of energy efficiency networks in industry.

The total available amount of non-refundable funds for the public call is KM 150,000 KM. The minimum amount of non-refundable funds that can be approved for an individual project is KM 90,000, and the maximum amount is KM 150,000.

The selection of grant beneficiaries will be made up to the total available amount of funds for the public call.

The public call with the application instructions and accompanying forms are available at: https://edabl.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/JP-promocija-mre%C5%BEa-energetske-efikasnosti-u-industriji.pdf

The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is funded by Sweden.