Results of a public opinion poll on BiH’s Euro-Atlantic integration presented

At the Faculty of Political Sciences, the University of Banja Luka, the results of a new public opinion poll on the topic of Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented. Mr. Dalibor Savić, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. at the Faculty of Political Sciences, presented the findings of the research on the following issues:

– To what extent there is support for BiH’s entry into NATO and the European Union?

– What are the reasons for little support for joining NATO?

– What are the comparative results of support for NATO and the EU?

– How do important events in the world, the region and BiH affect the perception and attitudes of the citizens of Republika Srpska about BiH joining the EU and joining NATO?

The research was conducted during 5 working days in September 2021, using the CATI method (telephone survey) on a multi-phase sample of 1000 adult citizens of the Republic of Srpska.

The research results in local language can be downloaded here:

The conducted research is part of the activities of the project “Expanding the debate on NATO integration in Republika Srpska” implemented by Eda – Agency for Enterprise Development in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Banja Luka, and funded by the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.