Innovation in enterprises

Eda – Enterprise Development Agency has published a call for students’ participation in creating ideas for innovation in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The subject of the call is to support the development of students’ ideas for innovation in MSMEs on topics such as furniture design; energy efficiency in metal and wood industry companies; digitalization in metal and wood industry companies; creating new products with more added value and others.

For students who want to participate in the call, a presentation of the MSME capacities and the problems faced by MSMEs in introducing innovations, as well as specific problems for which solutions are sought, will be organized. Students should submit proposals for solution  in the required form to be evaluated.

The best solutions will be rewarded. The total prize fund is BAM 2,000, with BAM 1,000 for the first prize, BAM 600 for the second prize and BAM 400 for the third prize. In case of a lack of quality solutions proposal of solutions, there is a possibility that the prize fund will not be fully realized.

All students of public universities in BiH who wish to participate in the invitation have to fill in Form 1 (attached to the Invitation) and send it no later than November 18, 2021, via e-mail [email protected] or link

The public call with detailed information and accompanying forms in the local language can be downloaded here.

The public call is announced within the project NOVALIS – Network of Value Adding Local Innovation Structures, co-financed by the European Union through the EU4Business project jointly implemented by GIZ, UNDP and ILO, within the Local Development Strategy – Program for Local Self-Government and Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Federal Republic of Germany.