A presentation for students aimed at gathering ideas for innovation in SMEs held

In the ceremonial hall of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, a presentation was held for students in order to collect ideas for innovations in companies. The presentation was attended by more than 20 students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Faculty of Technology, the Faculy of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka, who applied for the published Call .

After a short presentation of the NOVALIS project, within which the Call was published, Mr. Goran Kecman, director of the company Spektra DMG from Banja Luka, presented the challenges the company faces in the development of a new and complex product, for which students’ conceptual solutions are required. Students asked questions and discussed possible directions for creating solutions.

The students confirmed that this form of communication and cooperation with companies is important and needed and expressed hope that there will be similar activities in the future.

The presentation for students was organized within the project NOVALIS – Network of Value Adding Local Innovation Structures, co-financed by the European Union through the EU4Business project jointly implemented by GIZ, UNDP and ILO, within the Local Development Strategy – Program for Local Self-Government and Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Federal Republic of Germany.