A constituent session of the Council for Women Entrepreneurship of Republika Srpska was held

A constituent session of the Council for Women Entrepreneurship of Republika Srpska was held today in the premises of the RS Chamber of Commerce. This is one of the planned activities within the project “Support to Entrepreneurship of Women of Republika Srpska”, which is supported by the SIEM mechanism, which is being developed and used to improve implementation of strategies and plans focused on SMEs within the project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH”.

In the work of the constituent session of the Council for Women Entrepreneurship of Republika Srpska participated, Mr. Zoran Savić, Assistant Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship of Republika Srpska, representatives of the RS Chamber of Commerce and about 20 directors of companies and entrepreneurs. Ms. Dragana Kokot, Director of the Sector for Economic and Legal Affairs of the RS Chamber of Commerce was elected as the President of the Council for Women Entrepreneurship of  Republika Srpska, while Ms. Ljiljana Subotić, owner and director of SIM-PROM company from Derventa is Vice President of the Council.

“Support to Entrepreneurship of Women of Republika Srpska” is one of two supported projects aimed at  institutional strengthening of women entrepreneurship, strengthening the competitiveness and cooperation of women in entrepreneurship, and their media promotion, supported within the project ” European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH“. Supported projects for strengthening women entrepreneurship have been selected in accordance with the SME Development Strategy of Republika Srpska for the period 2016-2020 and the European Small Business Act.

The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is financed by Sida through the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina.