Activities on creation of recommendations for the development of the BPO sector in the Republic of Srpska and Brčko District recently started

As one of the partners of the MarketMakers project supported by the Government of Switzerland, Eda has started implementation of activities related to creation of recommendations to supplement public sector support measures in the direction of their easier availability and greater attractiveness for the BPO – Business process outsourcing industry, with the aim of faster development of the BPO sector on the territory of Republika Srpska (with special focus on the City of Banja Luka) and Brčko District.

Recommendations will be related to amendments of existing and the creation of new measures in the form of incentives, subsidies, active employment measures and other initiatives by the public sector in the direction of additional support to existing domestic BPO service providers, as well as foreign BPO companies whose operations could be located in Republika Srpska (especially Banja Luka) and/or Brcko District. During the process of realization of this activity, cooperation and exchange of experiences with a team engaged in a similar task for the territory of the Federation of BiH will be realized, while the final recommendations will take into account experiences and good practices realized in the Republic of Serbia.