Business Innovation Club (BIC) as a platform for exchange and improvement of innovative practices of SMEs

The second meeting of the Business Innovation Club – BIC was held online, attended by 11 participants, including representatives of SMEs in the field of metal processing, wood processing, IT sector, faculty and GIZ.

The implemented activities of the project NOVALIS, as well as innovative practices of SMEs were presented. Proposals for support (public policies) and activities of the Business Innovation Club – BIC in the coming period were discussed.

It was concluded that the concept of a regional network of innovative companies is good and needed, but it takes time and additional effort to expand the network. It is necessary to work on the exchange of information between companies in the Club, intensifying activities between meetings and organizing visits to companies and other relevant organisations.

More information about KLIK – Club of Innovative Companies is available here:

The NOVALIS project is co-financed by the European Union through the EU4Business project jointly implemented by GIZ, UNDP and ILO, within the Local Development Strategy – Program for Local Self-Government and Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Federal Republic of Germany.