Reading room

Guidelines for Introducing Gender-Responsive Public Procurement into the Practice of Local Self-Government Units
Gender-Responsive Public Procurement in BiH: Current State and Perspectives
An Analysis of Interest, Motivation, and Preferences for Establishing a Network of Practitioners Supporting SME Development in BiH
Training Needs of Companies in Leading Economic Sectors of BiH: Survey Results
Development of Action Plans for Implementing SME Development Strategies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Practical recommendations for improving procedures for grant allocation to support SMEs in BiH
Recommendations for enhancing support for the energy transition of SMEs in BiH
Energy transition process – Recommendations for SMEs
Improvements in companies’ energy use: Results of the SenseMaker research
Challenges and Opportunities for Business Improvement: Results of the SenseMaker research
Eda 25 years – by CREATING vs Corrupting
How to improve the implementation of SME development strategies and plans? Mechanism, results, experiences and recommendations
A guide for harmonization of policies and instruments that promote and support the greening of SMEs in BiH
Guide for establishing energy efficiency networks in the industry in BiH
Preliminary energy audit for SMEs – Methodological manual