Reading room

Guide on Public-Private Dialogue: How to Develop SMEs in BiH Together
Two sides of the medal – Integrity of contracting authorities and tenderers in public procurement
Information and Communications Technology – Fuel for SME Competitiveness
Standardized Methodology for Strategic Planning and Management of SME Development, pre-final version
Invest in Prnjavor – flyer
Investitionen in Prnjavor
Invest in Laktaši – flyer
Investitionen in Laktaši – Flyer
Invest in Derventa – flyer
Investitionen in Derventa – Flyer
Investment profile of the Municipality of Prnjavor
Investitionsprofiel der Gemeinde Prnjavor
Investment profile of the Municipality of Laktasi
Investitionsprofiel der Gemeinde Laktaši
Guidelines for processing and analyzing of local economy data