Extended the deadline for expressing interest in technical support in the field of energy efficiency and energy management for area 2: Tešanj – Brčko Distrikt – Tuzla Canton

The deadline for expressing interest in technical support in the field of energy efficiency and energy management for SMEs from area 2: Tešanj – Brčko District – Tuzla Canton, has been extended to 31.08.2021., i.e. until the election of the planned number of interested SMEs.

Interested SMEs, which need to improve energy efficiency and energy management, will be provided with technical support through funding for training in energy efficiency and energy management, and conducting energy audits, in order to identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency. In addition, the exchange of knowledge and experiences of SMEs within these areas will be initiated. Technical support will be provided by hiring certified energy managers and auditors.

As part of the Public Call, technical support is envisaged for 16 SMEs.

Public call with detailed information is available at: https://edabl.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/poziv_preduzeca_p.pdf

The public call was published within the project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH”, funded by Sweden.