Findings of the third survey on attitudes of Republika Srpska citizens on NATO and Euro-Atlantic integration published

The third round of the survey showed that the majority of the citizens of Republika Srpska have a positive attitude towards entry of BiH into the European Union, and a negative attitude towards joining NATO. These results are similar to those obtained during the first two rounds of the survey.

The most important results of the third round of survey can be summarized as follows:

  • Entry of BiH into the EU is supported by 48.8% of respondents, while entry of BiH into NATO is supported by 11.5% of respondents;
  • Conditional support for the EU accession, if Serbia does so, was given by 11.6% of respondents, and in the case of NATO integration this percentage is 8.8%;
  • 79.7% of respondents are against joining NATO;
  • Of the total number of respondents, 24.9% answered that they think that BiH will become a member of NATO in the next 10 years, while 25.2% of respondents think that BiH will become a member of the European Union in the next 10 years;
  • According to the respondents, during the Corona virus pandemic, Republika Srpska received the largest medical assistance from the Republic of Serbia 42.6%, followed by the People’s Republic of China 19.1%;
  • Most respondents (51.1%) believe that BiH’s accession to NATO would jeopardize the survival of Republika Srpska.

The survey was conducted using the CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing) methodology on a multiphase multi-stage sample of 1,000 adult citizens of Republika Srpska in a period of 5 working days in June 2020.

The research findings are available in local language at:

The research was realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Banja Luka and Eda.

The project “Starting a Discussion on NATO Integration in Republika Srpska” is implemented by Eda and funded by the US Embassy in BiH.