Free training for the unemployed in accounting and digital marketing started

Training for an accounting assistant began in Prnjavor on Friday, September 23. The aim of the training is that through real examples from practice, the participants become capable of independently managing the company’s business books, carrying out business changes in a given time, forming a financial result as well as closing the business books following legal regulations and international accounting standards. Education includes 120 teaching classes, of which 50 classes are practical.

On Saturday, September 24, digital marketing training also began. Through 60 hours of training, participants will have the opportunity to learn about digital marketing strategy, preparation of digital campaigns, SEO, Google Ads, Google Analytics, creation and publishing of Facebook and Instagram posts and ads, etc.

There is great interest in the training, while all participants are unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service of the Republic of Srpska. The training is free of charge and is conducted within the project “Sustainable partnership for employment”, which is funded by the European Union and is being implemented within the second phase of the project European Union Support to Local Partnerships for Employment – Phase II (LEP II), which is implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Local Partnership for Employment Prnjavor is one of 20 partnerships established in BiH within the project “EU Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II” (LEP II), funded by the European Union with 4 million euros and implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO). The project aims to contribute to the improvement of employment in local communities through local employment partnerships and to improve the skills and employment opportunities of disadvantaged people in the labor market. For more information about the LEP II project, visit and social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).