Graduates from Prnjavor successfully completed training for active job search

In the period from 16 April to 8 May 2018, about 200 graduates of high schools in Prnjavor successfully completed training for active job search. The training included preparation of biography and motivation letter, with a special focus on an exercise of a job interview tailored to students’ occupation.

Nataša M., pupil of the 3rd grade of the the Secondary School Center “Ivo Andrić” from Prnjavor –  department for food processing, regarding attending of the active job search training, stated: “It was all interesting to me, I especially liked preparation and exercise for a job interview.”

Nemanja D., pupil of the 4th grade of the Secondary School Center “Ivo Andrić” from Prnjavor –  telecommunications department, regarding attending of the active job search training said: “Especially useful for me was information about job search, as well as tips on preparing a biography.”

In general, graduates rated the training for active job search as very interesting and useful. The training for active job search is part of activities of the Local partnership for employment Prnjavor, which will increase employability of 75 unemployed persons and employ 50 of them in the metal processing, wood processing, food and footwear production.

Local partnership Prnjavor is one of 15 partnerships established in the country within the project “Support to Local Employment Partnerships in B&H”, funded by the EU with 4 million EUR and implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO), which aims to re-qualify nearly 2,000 unemployed persons and employ at least 620 of them.

The partnership consists of Enterprise Development Agency Eda (leading position), Municipality of Prnjavor, Employment Bureau, Secondary School Center “Ivo Andrić” and companies MI Trivas and Topling.