How would you assess public administration?

Each of us occasionally uses public administration services. If we need to register a car, exchange a passport, ID card or driver’s license, we go to the Ministry of the Interior. When we need to certify a document or get a birth certificate, we use the administrative services of the municipality/city in which we were born. We file tax returns at the tax administration and pay taxes. Other institutions also provide citizens with various services that we occasionally use – cadaster, courts, funds for health, pension and disability insurance, employment bureaus and others.

Sometimes we get services from them quickly, without problems, from kind and competent people and we leave satisfied, and sometimes information and procedures are inaccessible and unclear, the process is slow, and the staff is unkind, so the experience is frustrating. What are your experiences?

Write anonymously your (negative or positive) experience in using the services of the mentioned institutions and organizations on the portal:

Your stories will be used to form recommendations for improvements and reforms in those areas where the experiences of citizens are the worst.

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