Implemented online fairs for companies from the metal and wood processing sector in BiH

The Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH implemented the project “Support to SMEs by organizing online international fairs for SMEs in the field of wood processing and metal processing.” According to the procedures of EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), the project realized an online fair called “Match & Furnish” for the wood processing sector and “Match & Innovate” for the metal processing sector. A total of 39 exhibitors – companies from BiH – participated in both fairs, while 144 meetings were organized, of which 85 with the participation of exhibitors.

Online fairs are a significant experience for both the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH as organizer, as well as for companies from BiH, which in most cases, for the first time encountered a virtual way of exhibiting at the fair with virtual b2b meetings.

The implemented activities are aimed at improving the dimension 10 of the SBA profile of BiH (Internationalization of SMEs), and for their implementation from the Mechanism for Support of the Implementation of SME Development Strategies (SIEM) a total of 6,962.76 KM was spent.

The implementation of the project “Support to SMEs by organizing online international fairs for SMEs in the field of wood processing and metal processing” was supported by the project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is funded by Sweden.