New Eda’s look on new web site

After almost ten years, on the threshold of its 20th anniversary, Eda changed its visual identity as a reflection of its own evolution and development. The new visual identity symbolizes three Eda’s focuses:

  • Development of sustainable policies and effective institutions in the complex context – Eda as a think tank.
  • Transition of SME operations towards increased added value – Eda as a workshop.
  • Transition of public administration to good governance – Eda as a guide.

Eda’s mark (three “circles” in orange, blue and bordeaux color) symbolizes three focuses of activities between which there is an interaction and which act visually as a whole.

The web site is organized accordingly. As additional information, next to news and publications, there is respective color which indicates which area is the news / publication primarily related to:

  • orange – development of sustainable policies,
  • blue – development of enterprises,
  • bordeaux – development of good governance.

There are also pages with publications and blogs that we hope will be interesting and useful. We will do our best to communicate current calls, opportunities for cooperation and interesting news, so this may be additional reason to follow our web site and social networks. Please inform us on your impressions ?