New Employment Opportunities in East Sarajevo

The City Development Agency of East Sarajevo and the City of East Sarajevo, in collaboration with partners – the Enterprise Development Agency Eda, the municipalities of East New Sarajevo and East Ilidža, the employment offices of these two municipalities, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in East Sarajevo, and the companies Zlatno Zrno and Eko – Željeznica, will begin the implementation of a project in June, which is estimated to enable the employment of a number of unemployed individuals in local companies and the registration of their own businesses for business beginners.

By the end of the project, 35 individuals are expected to be employed in local companies, while 10 individuals from the unemployment register are expected to register a micro or small enterprise. The implementation of the project will last 21 months.

Financial resources for the planned activities have been secured within the project “European Union Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II” implemented by the International Labour Organization.