New publication: How to achieve greater added value – Stories of innovative companies from our environment

The publication was prepared as part of the research activities of the Novalis project – Network of Value Adding Local Innovation Structures. It is a “collage” of stories about innovative companies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Given that in the field of metal processing and wood processing in these countries, most companies do not have their own products, make incomes from providing production services, and are dependent on business customers who give them orders to perform precisely defined tasks (which is, especially in current conditions, a risky business model), with this publication we wanted to draw attention to the importance of having own product and building own brand, as well as those business functions that especially contribute to this.

In communication with representatives of companies we contacted and briefly outlined their path in developing innovative products. We asked them how they came up with the idea for their products, how the process of product development and launch went, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them, how they work on improving existing and developing new products, what drives them to innovate, what enables them to innovate successfully, how customers perceive them and how they are different from others.

The answers to these questions have been transformed into interesting and useful stories of directors of successful companies. We hope that they will serve as an inspiration to all those who already run their own companies and to those who are thinking of taking that path.

We once again thank the directors of all companies and their associates for their cooperation and support in the preparation of this publication:

  • Pipistrel, Ajdovščina, Slovenia
  • Derubis Yahts, Vitez, BiH
  • Cromex, Prijedor, BiH
  • Wischt, Doboj, BiH
  • Telemax, Banja Luka, BiH
  • Cini invest, Cacak, Serbia
  • Meter & Control, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Artisan, Tešanj, BiH
  • Gazzda, Sarajevo, BiH
  • MS & Wood, Fojnica, BiH
  • Handicrafts, Konjic, BiH
  • Alarm automatika, Rijeka, Croatia
  • Firm Control, Banja Luka, BiH
  • Nesoft, Banja Luka, BiH
  • Spider Web Agency, Teslić, BiH

The publication in local language is available at:

The publication was prepared within the project NOVALIS – Network of Value Adding Local Innovation Structures. The project is co-financed by the European Union through the EU4Business project jointly implemented by GIZ, UNDP and ILO, within the Local Development Strategy – Program for Local Self-Government and Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Federal Republic of Germany.