Prepared publications and promotional materials for the municipalities of Derventa, Prnjavor and Laktaši

Within the LocalInterAct Network project, 8 publications were prepared, as well as promotional materials for the municipalities of Derventa, Prnjavor and Laktaši. The following publications were prepared:

  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the wood processing sector in the Municipality of Laktasi
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Derventa
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Prnjavor
  • Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Derventa
  • Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Laktasi
  • Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Prnjavor
  • Guidelines for the value chain analysis and
  • Guidelines for processing and analyzing data on local economy

Also, the investment profiles of the Municipality of Laktasi and the Municipality of Prnjavor were prepared, as well as flyers for the municipalities of Laktasi, Prnjavor and Derventa. In addition to printed promotional material, promotional videos for the municipalities of Laktasi, Prnjavor and Derventa, as well as a joint promotional video, were prepared. All materials were delivered to the representatives of the municipalities who expressed great satisfaction with prepared promotional materials and publications.

The project “LocalInterAct Network” is co-financed by the European Union within the joint programme of the European Union and the German Government for local self-government and economic development in BiH – EU ProLocal, which is implemented by GIZ. The project contributes to improved competitiveness of export-oriented sectors and enterprises, with improved competitiveness of locations. The project budget is BAM 210.814, co-financed by the European Union in the amount of BAM 168.651. More information about the project is available here.