Reading room

Investitionen in Derventa – Flyer
Investment profile of the Municipality of Prnjavor
Investitionsprofiel der Gemeinde Prnjavor
Investment profile of the Municipality of Laktasi
Investitionsprofiel der Gemeinde Laktaši
Guidelines for processing and analyzing of local economy data
Guidelines for value chain analysis
Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Prnjavor
Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Laktaši
Analysis of the local economy – the Municipality of Derventa
Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Prnjavor
Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Derventa
Analysis of the competitiveness of the wood processing sector in the Municipality of Laktaši
Eda, 20 years – How we change (also changing ourselves)
Innovations – Why and How