Reading room

Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Prnjavor
Analysis of the competitiveness of the metal processing sector in the Municipality of Derventa
Analysis of the competitiveness of the wood processing sector in the Municipality of Laktaši
Eda, 20 years – How we change (also changing ourselves)
Innovations – Why and How
Strategic Framework for Innovations in Enterprises
Interactions and Cooperation in Introduction of Innovations in Enterprises
Innovations and Interactions – Key Factors for Development of Enterprises
Successful Women in Economy of Prnjavor
A Manual for Active Job Search
Integrity of Contracting Authorities in Public Procurements – Reach of Ex Post Monitoring
Transparency and Accountability of Public Enterprises in the EU and Western Balkans
We Know How – Methods and Instruments for Improvement of Competitiveness of Enterprises
Our Best – Profiles of Selected Companies from the Metal Industry
Das beste von uns – Profile ausgesuchter Unternehmen der Metallverarbeitungsindustrie