In order to improve efficiency and application of learned methods of analysis and research, as well as other activities related to development and future work to support exporters, six laptops (two laptops per municipality) have been handed over to representatives of the municipalities of Derventa, Prnjavor and Laktaši. Members of the municipal development teams expressed their gratitude and satisfaction with received equipment.
The project “LocalInterAct Network” is co-financed by the European Union within the joint programme of the European Union and the German Government for local self-government and economic development in BiH – EU ProLocal, which is implemented by GIZ. The project contributes to improved competitiveness of export-oriented sectors and enterprises, with improved competitiveness of locations. The project budget is BAM 210.814, co-financed by the European Union in the amount of BAM 168.651. More information about the project is available here.