Strengthening integrity and transparency in local governments

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with the support of the Government of the United Kingdom and in cooperation with the Entity Associations of Cities and Municipalities, is implementing the project “Strengthening Transparency and Integrity in the Civil Service”. Within the component two of the Project, which refers to the strengthening of transparency, accountability and integrity mechanisms in local self-government units, the activities are carried out by a consortium consisting of Eda and Transparency International BiH.

After the initial assessments of good governance mechanisms in 12 local self-government units, a general assessment was conducted for both local self-government systems – in the Federation of BiH and the Republika Srpska. In addition to the above, training on proactive transparency, development of integrity plans, implementation of public procurement procedures, financial management and control, as well as ethics, integrity and prevention of conflicts of interest was prepared and held. Selected pilot municipalities also received expert support regarding the improvement of specific good governance mechanisms.