As a part of the efforts and activities of the project “SBA in BiH” aimed at improving the Dimension 7 (Standards and technical regulation) of the SBA Profile of BiH, taking into account the OECD recommendation that it is important to improve access of SMEs in BiH to standardization, the study “Mapping of Institutions for Product Conformity Assessment” was prepared. The study was prepared from the perspective of SMEs. For them, it is very important that conformity assessment bodies are accessible, having in mind both their location and prices. On the other hand, establishing and operating of conformity assessment bodies requires significant investments, while they need to be economically and market sustainable.
By mapping, we have covered a wide region where conformity assessment bodies were located, which are still sufficiently “close” to SMEs in B&H and offer affordable services. We have also located where some of the initial prerequisites exist, primarily in terms of capacity, for the establishment of new conformity assessment bodies, to assist policymakers and support policies for SME development, on the one hand, and policymakers and infrastructure development policies, on the other, to coordinate support for the development of new conformity assessment bodies in a coordinated and targeted way, taking into account the needs of SMEs, but also the functionality and economic sustainability of such bodies. We prepared several maps of conformity assessment bodies in BiH and the wider region, which enable quick insight into this issue.
The study can be downloaded via the link:
The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is funded by Sweden through the Embassy of Sweden in B&H.