The final conference of the project “Energy Efficiency Network in BiH Industry” held

The final conference of the project “Energy Efficiency Network in Industry in BiH-MEEI” was held in Teslić on 27 November 2021. The project was implemented by the ReSET Center for Sustainable Energy Transition, Sarajevo in the period from 09.07. to 09.12. 2021 as a program intervention within the “Mechanism to support the implementation of SME development strategies – SIEM” within the project “European Act on Small Business as a framework of strategies and policies for small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina – SBA in BiH” that is implemented by Eda and financed by Sweden.

The conference was attended by representatives of 16 companies in which preliminary energy audits were completed during the MEEI project, accredited auditors and experts from BiH in the field of energy efficiency and energy management who conducted audits, representatives of students of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering faculties from Banja Luka, Sarajevo and Tuzla who were involved in the audit, representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska, ReSET Center and Eda.

The conference presented key findings of energy audits (experiences in conducting audits in companies in BiH as well as identified measures to improve energy efficiency and use of renewable sources for their own needs), examples of best practices and lessons learned from leading companies in implementing energy efficiency measures, activities on energy efficiency promotion, carried out by PKRS and experiences in the implementation of advisory support programs to private companies provided by the EBRD.

During the conference, it was discussed about energy efficiency in BiH in the context of the energy transition, in accordance with the Sofia Declaration, signed in November 2020, and the European Union energy package “Clean Energy for All Europeans”, which was adopted by the Energy Community Council of Ministers on 30 November 2021 as the legal framework for the decarbonization plan of the Western Balkans.