The first Budget for citizens of the institutions of BiH and international obligations of BiH published

With the goal to increase the transparency of the budget process, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, within the Program for Strengthening of Public Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, prepared for the first time the document „Budget for Citizens“. Technical support for the preparation of the “Budget for Citizens” was provided by GIZ in cooperation with Eda.

In this project, Eda conducted relevant analyzes, prepared a methodology for drafting and publishing the “Budget for Citizens”  for the BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury, and provided expert support for the preparation of the first “Budget for Citizens”, including consultative process, preparation and editing of the document, its design and printing.

The publication is available on the website of the BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury: