The first call for innovative business entities within the Challenge to Change project published

Companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sweden with innovative business ideas, products or services that can contribute to a reduction in unemployment, an increase in competitiveness and sustainable socio-economic development in BiH have the opportunity to receive grants from the Challenge Fund within the first call for applications that was published on 12.10.2022.

For potential applicants, a budget is available with an indicative amount of EUR 480,000.

For potential applicants from the category of startups, who have been registered for at least 6 months, and at most two years, the maximum amount of the grant is provided up to EUR 10.000 EUR, while for potential applicants from the category of mature business entities, which have been in business for two years and more, the maximum amount of grant funds is up to EUR 30.000.

Applicants are required to provide a minimum own participation of 50% of the total value of the proposed project. The project implementation period cannot be shorter than 3 months and longer than 12 months.

The public call is available here: The deadline for submitting applications is 23.11.2022.

The Challenge to Change 3.0 project is a three-year project with a total value of EUR 3 million, financed by Sweden. The project is implemented by the Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA in partnership with the Enterprise Development Agency Eda. The Ostergotland Region, Eastern Sweden, is also a partner in the project.