The impact of energy efficiency on the competitiveness of SMEs

Organized by Eda, a meeting was held between businessmen from Banja Luka and the surrounding area and the Association ReSet – Center for Sustainable Energy Transition from Sarajevo on the topic of energy efficiency within the project “Energy Efficiency Network in Industry in BiH-MEEI”.

From this area, the following companies expressed their interest in participating in the project: Cromex, d.o.o. Prijedor, Reflex, d.o.o. Gradiška, Mladegs PAK, d.o.o. Prnjavor, MI Trivas, d.o.o. Prnjavor, Rapić, d.o.o. Gradiška, Kaldera Company, d.o.o. Laktaši, Sana Linea, a.d. Kostajnica and Exclusive lingerie, d.o.o. Banja Luka. At the meeting, the companies were informed with the methodology and manner of organizing preliminary energy audits, which will be performed by certified auditors.

The key idea of ​​the project is to improve energy efficiency in industrial SMEs by strengthening the technical and management capacity of enterprises and creating energy efficiency networks in the industry in BiH. It is planned to provide technical support to companies through the implementation of preliminary energy audits in order to identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency, as well as to conduct training in the field of energy management and energy efficiency. In addition, the exchange of knowledge and experience of SMEs will be initiated, and support will be provided by hiring certified energy auditors.

The present representatives of the companies pointed out the importance of energy costs for business and their competitiveness in the market, and they especially discussed the changes that are happening globally in this area. Improving energy efficiency and energy management procedures of SMEs in BiH is a significant step in the process of energy transition in BiH. The SBA project in BiH contains a component of support for the implementation of strategic plans aimed at supporting the development of SMEs, and energy efficiency is recognized as one of the most important topics.

The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH”, is implemented by Eda – Agency for Enterprise Development, and funded by Sweden.