The second training session for greater inclusion of women in public procurement held

Following the successful first training session, the second free one-day training session was held on November 27, 2024, at the same venue, the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of this session was to further empower women entrepreneurs and female-owned businesses to increase their participation in public procurement processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The event gathered 18 participants who, through an interactive workshop and hands-on activities, acquired practical knowledge necessary for successfully participating in public procurement procedures. During the training, participants were introduced to the basic steps in procurement procedures, legal and administrative requirements, as well as examples of preparing bids and engaging in public procurement processes.

Additionally, selected participants will receive mentoring support in preparing bids for specific public procurement procedures. This mentoring support will be provided on a “first come, first served” basis, meaning priority will be given to those participants who express interest and submit their applications for mentoring assistance earliest.

The training was funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) through the project “Enhancing Women’s Participation and Gender-Sensitive Policies in Public Procurement at the Local Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.