Through the program “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” to valuable experiences for starting your own business

Through the cross-border exchange program “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” implemented by Eda, several young entrepreneurs from BiH travelled to countries in the region and the European Union to meet experienced and successful entrepreneurs who help them improve and develop their business idea, improve their business plan, start their own or advance existing business.

One of them is Mladen Šarac from Pale, who intends to open an agency that would provide translation services. In order to learn first-hand how to establish, organize and successfully run such an agency, he applied for the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” program and found a host entrepreneur, the Laurus Translations Agency from Belgrade. Mr. Borislav Stojkov, the owner of the agency with whom he cooperates every day, shares his experiences and knowledge regarding the establishment and organization of the agency, finances, attracting clients, ensuring the quality of services, etc.

About his experience and satisfaction with the cooperation, Mladen says:

My visit is making great progress. The cooperation with Mr. Stojkov is excellent. I absorb knowledge and write everything down. I thought that the translation and the whole organization of the agency were quite simple, but it turned out that this is a real small factory and that it takes a huge organization with a lot of planning to get everything done. I support employees in simpler jobs, refine and improve my business plan, and came up with a few ideas on how to digitize certain procedures when I start my own company.

If you are a young entrepreneur or intend to become one and if you want to travel and learn from experienced entrepreneurs how to establish and successfully run your business like Mladen, apply for participation in the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” program. The Eda team provides you with support in the process of registration, finding a host entrepreneur, as well as the exchange itself. For more detailed information, feel free to contact us via email [email protected] or phone 051 / 300-241.