Presentations of the public procurement monitoring methodology and monitoring findings for the cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla held

Presentations of the of the public procurement monitoring methodology and monitoring findings for the cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla were held on in the premises of Eda in Banja Luka, on May 28, 2018 and in the premises of Development Association NERDA in Tuzla on May 30, 2018. This activity was implemented within the project Strengthening the role of CSOs and local media in improving the transparency of local government work. The activity was implemented by Eda, and supported by the WeBER Initiative (Western Balkan Enabling Project for CSO Monitoring of Public Reform) i.e. the Foreign Policy Initiative of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project, i.e. initiative, have been funded by the European Union and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The aim of the presentations was to introduce representatives of local media and local CSOs to the methodology of public procurement monitoring and possibility of its application by these media and CSOs. It was emphasized that the methodology was developed within the project, and that it was intended for local media and CSOs as an instrument of positive pressure on local self-government units in area of the Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition to presenting the methodology itself, the participants were also informed about the findings of public procurement monitoring for the cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla.

Finally, the methodology and monitoring findings have been distributed to the participants, with an invitation for further monitoring of public procurement implementation in local communities.