
Implemented projects

  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Advanced Implementation of Small Business Act Framework in BiH2EU
    (SBA in BiH2EU)
    It is a continuation of the project European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH (SBA in BiH). In this sense, it is a matter of continuity of efforts to accelerate economic integration with the EU in the field of SME strategic and policy framework, with the emphasis on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of SME strategies and policies. Overall objective of the project is to support institutions in BiH to accelerate economic integration with the EU in the field of SME strategic and policy framework, with a higher impact on the performance of SMEs in the country. The project summary can be downloaded here. Embassy of Sweden in BiH, 2022-2025
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    SEDEP – Sustainable economic development and employment promotion in BiH Eda’s team has been engaged, for the needs of GIZ, in conducting the following project activities: 1) designing of the baseline study, including identification of potential stakeholders and relevant services, 2) expanding the cooperation of stakeholders in the service areas, as well as cooperation in the area of digitalisation or green economy in BiH, 3) demonstrating the potentials of the digital and green transformation to the relevant stakeholders, 4) development of dually organised vocational education and training on the level of chambers, school authorities, TVET schools and training companies, 5) scaling up dually organised vocational education and training in additional partner regions. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH/PEM Consult, 2024
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Digital Innovation Hub IDEMO – DIH IDEMO DIH IDEMO is one of four digital innovation hubs in Bosnia and Herzegovina established within the EU4DigitalSME project. The goal of DIH IDEMO is to create a stimulating business environment that will enable the digital transformation of SMEs in the wood and metal processing sectors, with the support of ICT as an accompanying industry. DIH IDEMO provides services such as testing before investing, support in finding investors, acquiring new skills, networking, and development of an innovation ecosystem. DIH IDEMO is a consortium consisting of the Innovation Center Banja Luka, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, the Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska, and Eda – Enterprise Development Agency. More information about DIH IDEMO is available here. The European Union and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ), within the project EU4DigitalSME implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), 2023 – 2024.
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    READy – Resource Efficiency Advanced by Digitalization in Manufacturing SMEs The project is focused on accelerating technological transformation of manufacturing SMEs through a supportive partnership of competent and innovation-oriented private and public actors from different sectors, which concentrate their key resources on piloting digital technologies for transformation of industrial SMEs towards smarter, greener and more resource-efficient manufacturing, aligned with the latest EU policies. Overall objective is: Smart and sustainable growth of manufacturing SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina is supported by technological innovations that are developed and piloted through partnerships based on Quintuple Helix Model. Specific objective is: Application of Digital Technologies/Tools for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing SMEs successfully piloted and promoted by functional cooperation between private sector, academia, CSOs and public sector. The project is supported by projects Strengthening Innovation and Digitalization in SMEs in BiH supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ), and EU support for digitalization of Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina “EU4DigitalSME”, co-funded by the European Union, both projects being implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ.
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Road Map of Social Enterprises The project responds to the needs of the partners and their communities in the field of social entrepreneurship by using digital tools at youth work for addressing youth unemployment and empowering young people. The project aims: 1) to contribute for creation of supportive social entrepreneurial environment in participating countries, 2) to develop a durable tool, a map, website and application for networking, knowledge exchange about social entrepreneurship with concrete examples of social enterprises and tools supporting cross-sectorial cooperation, and 3) to support cooperation between Programme and Partner countries and development of new project initiatives addressing youth unemployment and developing the entrepreneurial mindset of young people. Eda is one of the 8 partners from the Western Balkan and Visegrad regions. More information about the project is available here. The European Union within the programme Erasmus+, 2022-2024
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Preparation of the study and conducting workshops for the project LER in BiH Preparation of the scoping study encompassing 11 targeted cities/municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina for defining priority intervention areas of the Local Economic Development project in BiH – LED in BiH. Preparation of methodology and conducting 24 workshops in four pilot cities/municipalities (Žepče, Zavidovići, Teslić and Doboj) with representatives from the private, public, and non-governmental sectors. Caritas, within the project Local Economic Development project in BiH, 2023
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Sustainable Partnership for Employment The project is focused on currently unemployed persons registered at
    the Employment Service of the Republic of Srpska, including unemployed and inactive young men and women (15-29), people with disabilities and those who lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The activities will contribute to the mobilisation and integration of these persons into the labour market in order to meet the needs of the local economy. The most important information about the project are available here.
    EU within the project “EU Support to Local Employment Partnerships – Phase II” (LEP II), implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO), 2022 – 2023
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program that provides BiH companies with the opportunity to work with serious and dedicated young entrepreneurs from other countries to develop new business ideas and learn new markets, thus becoming part of the European network of successful entrepreneurs. On the other hand, this program also offers an opportunity for young entrepreneurs (and those who want to become an entrepreneur) from BiH to learn from experienced and successful entrepreneurs who manage their companies in other countries. Eda is the contact point for BiH and provides support to companies and entrepreneurs during the registration and exchange process. The most important information about the project are available here. European Union, 2020-2023
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Review of public procurement practices at the local level in BiH Eda designed and conducted a survey on practices in public procurement and their perception in local governments, prepared a review of historical procurement data and a study, as well as organized an event where the findings of the research were presented. UNDP, 2022
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Monitoring of project deliverables, intermediary targets/results and project interventions aimed towards export oriented and tourism MSMEs This consultancy assignment was focused on the monitoring of project deliverables, intermediary targets/results and interventions during the project implementation and provision of periodic and final assessment(s) of the direct and indirect results of related EU4Business interventions, all in accordance with EU4Business project guiding documents. Eda developed and established the monitoring system and delivered two assessment reports and the final study (Before and After) providing valuable inputs for organization of future actions in the related field. During the course of work, several workshops were prepared and delivered for field monitors and the project team. The comprehensive data base was developed and maintained over the course of the project, including baseline data, intermediary and final (end of project) data related to participating MSMEs’ performances. EU4Business Project, supported by EU and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany, implemented by GIZ, ILO and UNDP, within the Action: „Local Development Strategies”, 2020 – 2022
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Performance review of public enterprises in the Canton Sarajevo Eda analysed relevant documentation in order to assess the performance management of the company and the organizational structure of four selected public companies in accordance with the provided methodology. Also, interviews with representatives of public companies were conducted and appropriate reports were prepared. PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers), 2021
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH The project “SBA in BiH” should contribute to the acceleration of economic integration with the European Union in area of the framework for support to SMEs with a positive impact on improving their business performances.
    The project will use and adjust the Small Business Act (and the SME Policy Index) as a common methodological basis for harmonizing the strategic framework for SMEs in BiH, including all phases of policy development (planning, implementation, M&E, revision) and enabling/facilitating interactions of key stakeholders. The project summary can be downloaded here.
    Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) through the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2017-2021
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    NOVALIS – Network of Value Adding Local Innovation Structures The project is focused on improving competitiveness of export-oriented SMEs in metal and wood processing sectors in BiH with expected positive impact on added value and highly skilled employment. It is envisaged that the project will result in establishing functional regional innovation network creating innovations with higher added value for SMEs in Metal Processing and Wood Processing sectors exporting to the EU Single Market and to the CEFTA countries. Within the project, a regional club of innovative companies – KLIK was created. European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany within the project EU4Business, 2020-2021
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Providing technical support to the Council of Ministers of B&H – the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH for the preparation and publication of the Citizens Budget The project includes conducting relevant analyses, preparing a methodology for drafting and publishing the Citizens Budget for the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of B&H, and providing expert support for the development of the first Citizens Budget, including consultative process, preparation and editing of the document, its design and printing. GIZ BiH, 2020
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Support to the line ministries in improvement of the grant allocation system Analysis of the existing system and methodology of allocation of grants, subsidies and transfers by line ministries in Republika Srpska, including analysis of the findings and recommendations of the Supreme Audit Office of the Republika Srpska Public Sector. Analysis of good practices and design of recommendations in the field of planning, allocation of grants, reporting, monitoring and evaluation of grants, and internal control mechanisms for grant users. Drafting of a detailed catalogue of grants based on the 2018 budget document, with risk analysis and recommendations on risk mitigation. Strengthening Public Integrity in FBiH and RS Project, PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) DFID, 2018-2019
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    LocalInterAct Network The overall objective of the project is improved competitiveness of export-oriented sectors and enterprises, with improved competitiveness of locations, while the specific objective of the project are established mechanisms of advanced municipal and inter-municipal support for exporters based on the Small Business Act. The key idea of the project is transfer and implementation of tools and instruments, that have been successfully developed and tested through the CREDO Krajina project, in the municipal administrations of Prnjavor, Derventa and Laktaši in order to provide desired support to export-oriented companies. The project summary can be downloaded here. EU and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2017-2018
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening Role of Civil Society Organizations and Local Media in Promotion of Transparency of Local Government Improved transparency of local government based on improved monitoring of public procurement by local NGOs in cooperation with local media Within the project WeBER – Enhancing capacity of civil society organizations of the Western Balkans for monitoring of public administration reform financed by the EU, 2017- 2018
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Partnership for Quality Jobs and the Competitiveness The overall objective of the project is increased harmonization of supply and demand of the labor market in Prnjavor, while a specific goal is established a functional partnership for employment in the Municipality of Prnjavor, as capacity for continuous implementation of active employment measures. The identified supply and demand mismatch can be overcome by the coordinated work of all relevant stakeholders- project partners, where companies provide information on current employment situation and future employment needs, secondary school adapts curricula and implements practical trainings, the municipality conducts research, develops required plans and strategies and supports employment initiatives, and the Employment Bureau takes a very active role in performing continuous analysis, informing and connecting job seekers and employers. In this manner, the burden of providing qualified workforce is divided between relevant stakeholders, instead of being mostly carried by companies as it is the case now in practice. In addition, the workforce quality is improving, as a result of improved interaction between the economy and support institutions. The project summary can be downloaded here. EU (under the call “Support to Local Employment Partnerships in BiH”, implemented by the International Labor Organization), 2017-2018
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Transparent and Accountable Public Enterprises (TAPE) in BiH The overall objective of the project is to improve the transparency and accountability of public sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, creating preconditions for monitoring of public enterprises performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The main goal of the project is to develop, promote and initiate changes in regulations on public enterprises in order to increase transparency of planed and implemented activities. The project summary can be downloaded here.

    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, within the program MATRA Grant 2016, 2016-2018
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    KRIN – Creating of Regional Innovation Network The overall objective of the project is improved competitiveness of companies in sectors of metal and wood processing by networking of key stakeholders and addressing market failures in area that includes: Prijedor, Kozarska Dubica, Gradiska, Laktasi, Srbac, Prnjavor, Derventa and Banja Luka. The specific objective of the project is improved work of sector boards and developed initial innovation network for sectors of metal and wood processing. Key idea of the project is that, by strengthening interactions among enterprises and between enterprises and support institutions, significant improvement of innovation capability of targeted SMEs can be achieved, on one side, and to gradually develop regional innovation system (consisting of adequate legal and strategic framework, educational, technological and professional institutions in constant interaction with SMEs) for sectors of wood and metal processing in the above mentioned local communities. The project summary can be downloaded here. EU and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2017-2018
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Support to the Governments of Republika Srpska and Federation of BiH in the Fight Against Corruption Providing services in cooperation with the PricewaterhouseCoopers within the project. PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2016-2017
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Technical and training assistance to local governments in the process of integrated strategic planning – preparation of local development strategies Providing technical support and training for development teams in municipalities of Čelinac, Živinice and Novi Grad within process of developing of the strategy of integrated local development, by applying of the MIPRO methodology. UNDP LID, 2016
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Technical support to local governments in strengthening local partnerships Providing tailored technical support to the local governments of Banja Luka, Gradiška and Prijedor in the process of strengthening local development partnerships. UNDP LID, 2016
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improvement of the property management system for selected local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina Performed analyses of the property management system on the level of local government units. Selected four local government units that expressed interest in improving their property management systems (City of Banja Luka, Municipality of Novo Sarajevo, Municipality of Gradiška and Mrkonjić Grad Municipality). Series of workshops organized and delivered for local teams, and with support of “Libusoft Cicom” Zagreb experts, implemented a unique property management software solution in all four LGUs, for which the supplier delivered trainings for all users and for all implemented modules. Property Management Project, within the USAID/Sida GOLD Project, 2016
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    CREDO Krajina The project aims to improve competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in Krajina area, in order to create and sustain jobs, reduce poverty and improve economic status of the area. The project supported creation of more than 200 new jobs and keeping of 1000 jobs in companies / sectors covered by project interventions. Also, the project facilitated vertical and horizontal coordination of policies directed towards small and medium enterprises in the project area.

    Project duration is 30 months and it consists of phases and components. Through initial analysis, priority economic sectors with significant potential for creating new jobs were selected and then representatives of companies from these sectors, through sector boards defined priority needs for advisory support and training, while sectors were supported through advisory services, training and development fund. In addition, part of the advisory and financial support was directed towards cities and municipalities that intend to significantly improve local business environment and to establish permanent and effective dialogue with private sector. More inforormation on the project and its results is available here.

    Sweden, 2013-2016
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Preparation of the introduction of electronic building permits system (EBPS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina Conducted Assessment on the current status of Building Permits process and potential for introduction of Electronic Building Permits System/EBPS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including desk research, preparation of questionnaires, conduction and processing of interviews and assessment of the conditions and level of readiness for EBPS introduction. Prepared Policy Recommendations for B&H – Republika Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for EBPS implementation, organized roundtabl55es in B&H – Republika Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and prepared and delivered Final report, including the recommendations. GIZ Office Serbia, within ORF SEE MMS Project – Dissemination of the Electronic Building Permits System/EBPS in SEE, 2016
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Technical and training assistance to local governments in the process of operationalization of local development strategies Eda is engaged to ensure effective, specifically tailored and process-based delivery of technical assistance to 12 local governments (Buzim, Cazin, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanski Petrovac, Kostajnica, Doboj, Doboj Jug, Doboj Istok, Prnjavor, Srbac, Maglaj and Kotor Varos) in the process of operationalization and initial implementation of their integrated local development strategies, thus transforming assistance actions into a sustainable and replicable development management cycle. Also, Eda will ensure interactive delivery of 4 training programmes specifically designed to strengthen local governments’ capacities to effectively manage strategy implementation and overall development process in their local communities. UNDP ILDP, 2013-2014
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening Public Finance Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a reformed and efficient public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, capable of supporting the country’s EU integration process by enhancing capacities of the state and entity administrations in the area of policy making and coordination and public financial management and control. Specific objective is to improve the quality of fiscal policy and the link between policy-making and budget planning procedures, and to strengthen the public internal financial control system. EU Delegation, 2012-2014
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Technical and training assistance to local governments in the process of integrated strategic planning – preparation of local development strategies Eda and UNDP have signed agreement in regard to providing technical assistance and delivering training in process of integrated local development planning to four local self-government units in BiH (Prijedor, Laktasi, Mrkonjic Grad and Jajce). Expected results include built capacities of municipal teams for local development planning and preparation of four development strategies in accordance to miPRO methodology. UNDP ILDP, 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    PULS 2013 The aim of the project is related to the improvement of direct communication of citizens and elected representatives in local government in Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening the dialogue between the representatives of local government, service providers and citizens, and their further cooperation in improving public services at the local level in BiH. This is continuation of the efforts in increasing accountability at the local level through further elaboration of the citizens’ feedback mechanism introduced by the PULS methodology. The project should contribute to increase of using results of citizen’s satisfaction survey by local authorities in decision-making on priorities for investment, budgeting and preparation of strategic development plans and projects at local level. Open Society Fund BiH, 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Municipal training system project – preparation and delivery of training for local governance In 2012 and 2013, EDA was engaged on the following activities within the project:

    • delivery of the training program on the Methodology for Integrated and Participatory Local Development Planning (miPRO) to local governments in BiH,
    • design and delivery of training program on municipal property and assets` management in BiH,
    • delivery of standardized training and technical assistance to local governments in BiH on human resource management, with focus on establishing adequate HRM organizational structures and training function as a key driver for the overall local government capacity development, including assessment of existing challenges and mapping minimum functions, structures and processes enabling effective HRM in local government in BiH, as well as on-the-job coaching and technical assistance with regard to the establishment and/or strengthening of HRM organizational modalities in local governments,
    • design of a Comprehensive Training Programme on Inter-Municipal Cooperation in BiH,
    • Currently, Eda is engaged on providing technical support in area of human resources management in 20 municipalities.
    UNDP MTS, 2012-2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening of Local Self-government in BiH – preparation of the Progress study In order to identify impact of the project “Strengthening of Local Self-government in Bosnia and Herzegovina “, which is being implemented by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eda conducted a series of interviews with representatives of 15 municipalities involved in the project: Ilijas, Visegrad , Gornji Vakuf – Uskoplje, Orasje, Ljubuski, Teslic, Zepce, Laktasi, Maglaj, Modrica, Kostajnica, Kozarska Dubica, Vares, Gracanica, and Kutina. By comparing new data with those from the baseline study, it was concluded in which municipalities, in which areas, and to what extent changes happened due to project activities. GIZ SLS, 2012 – 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening of Local Self-government in BiH – preparation of the Progress study
    Eda signed a contract with Gender Centre of the RS Government to implement activities aimed at establishing minimum standards for monitoring of gender equality obligations at local level. The aim of activities is provision of implementation of gender equality principles at local level and capacity building of local governments and civil society organizations to monitor progress of implementation of standards of gender equality in pilot municipalities in Republika Srpska.
    Center for Gender Equality of the Republika Srpska, 2012 – 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening civil society for the promotion of gender mainstreaming at local level in Western Balkans
    Eda signed Partnership agreement with the organization SeConS from Belgrade on implementation of the project “Strengthening civil society for the promotion of gender mainstreaming at local level in Western Balkans”. The project is funded by European Union. Eda is responsible for implementing project activities in Republika Srpska. The project is aimed at strengthening capacities of CSOs to act for the promotion of gender equality in their local communities and thus contribute to better overall framework for participatory democracy at the local level as well as overall processes for the improvement of gender equality at broader, regional and national levels.
    EU, 2012 – 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Capacity building of the BH entities’ Association of Towns and Municipalities
    The project is aimed at capacity building of associations of municipalities and cities, support in development of strategic documents and providing services, as well as support to association of municipalities and cities to achieve a higher level of organizational and functional development.
    In the year 2012, Eda was engaged on preparation of Communication Strategy, Services Development Strategy, and Human Resources Development Strategy for RS Association of municipalities and cities.Currently, Eda is engaged on preparation of Communication Strategy and Human Resources Development Strategy for FBiH Association of municipalities and cities.
    SIDA, 2010 – 2013
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Conducting survey within TNA in SMEs in BiH Eda was engaged within SEECEL’s program that is financially supported by the European Union – IPA Multi-beneficiary program on implementation of research in BiH aimed at identification of training needs analysis for SMEs in BiH. Within the assignment, Eda translated the questionnaire and prepared a list of target SMEs according to the criteria that every NACE sector must be covered. The list included equal proportions of micro, small and medium enterprises. Eda conducted activities of sending questionnaires to SMEs throughout BiH, contacting SMEs, collecting completed questionnaires, and filling in the database, i.e. performed data entry activities. Contract with SEECEL’s within EU funded project, 2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Blueprint of development of central government organs in BiH The project objective is to enable Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Government of Republika Srpska, Government of Federation of BiH and Government of the Brcko District to build a system for creating and managing policies in a coherent and coordinated manner, to develop a modern structure, capacities and procedures for policy management and to improve intergovernmental cooperation and the effectiveness of central government organs. Public Administration Reform Coordinators Office in BiH, 2010-2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Study of local integrated development of rural areas of Kostajnica Municipality
    Eda and the Municipality of Kostajnica signed the contract on preparation of the Study of local integrated development of rural areas of the municipality of Kostajnica with visual concepts. The study provided basis for preparation of spatial planning documents of the municipality and is of great importance for a good and balanced local development planning.
    GIZ and Kostajnica Municipality, 2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Establishing procedures for the coordination of local planning and development
    Eda was engaged on establishing procedures for coordination of local planning and development in three SLS-project partner municipalities, i.e. Teslić, Orašje, and Kozarska Dubica. The assignment included organization of workshops with municipal teams to perform analysis and identify gaps in existent procedures relevant for managing local development. After this step, procedure for coordination of local planning and development and proposal for creating local development databases for each of the target municipalities were prepared and finalised together with municipal teams. Assignment was finished with study visit to Kutina.
    GIZ SLS, 2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Preparing and conducting research on issues of gender equality at local level and preparing of the Conference on Gender Equality
    Design of research concept, preparing questionnaires, entering and processing data, data analysis and reporting. Preparation of guidelines for panelists for discussion at the conference, preparation and organization of groups and work in groups.
    Center for Gender Equality of the Republika Srpska, 2011-2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improving public services provided by local self-governance by strengthening civil society
    Introduction and implementation of the PULS methodology in selected municipalities in order to improve accountability and increase efficiency in delivering public services and increase citizen satisfaction through fostering more active role of civil society. The project involves design of the PULS methodology for surveying citizens’ satisfaction with quality of public services, including preparation of questionnaires, development of software solution to support processing of data and creating reports, and providing support in communication activities.
    In the year 2012 Eda continued to support application of PULS methodology.
    Open Society Fund, BiH, 2011-2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Survey of satisfaction of users of public utility services for Administration of Banja Luka City
    Survey of satisfaction of users of public utility services for Administration of Banja Luka City included preparation of questionnaires, defining sample, conducting survey, entering and analyzing data including use of specific tailor-made software, and preparing report with recommendations for improvements. In the year 2012. Eda implemented survey of satisfaction of users with winter servicesas well as ordinary survey of satisfaction of users with public utility services.
    The City of Banja Luka, 2011-2012
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Liberalization of the labor market in BiH The project should contribute to increase of dynamics, flexibility, effectiveness and efficiency of the labour market in BiH by providing equal conditions for the operations of stakeholders from public and private sector in labour market as well as improved legislative and institutional framework. In addition to research and analytical components of the project, continuous communication activities are also very important. Supported by USAID’s CAPP II program administered by CCI, 2010 – 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Municipal training system project – preparation and delivery of training for local governance
    In 2011 Eda was engaged on preparation and delivery of the following training:

    • training on human resources management with focus on training needs assessment and performance appraisal (the assignment included preparation of an analysis of human resources management in municipalities with identification and presentation of the best practices),
    • introductory miPRO training and training of trainers (training was prepared and delivered for municipalities that should prepare development strategy applying miPRO methodology, while training of trainers was prepared and delivered in order to prepare trainers for delivering introductory miPRO training),
    • preparation of materials for training of newly elected local leaders covering topics of leadership and local governance A to Z.
    UNDP, MTS, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strengthening of Local Self-government in BiH – preparation of the Baseline study
    Preparation of the Baseline study which includes 12 partner municipalities from the Republika Srpska and the Federation of the BiH, as well as 3 benchmark municipalities. The methodology was prepared and the survey was conducted in order to identify situation in the following areas: status of the local development strategy and implementation plans, horizontal and vertical coherence, property, financing of the strategy, internal organization and coordination, human resources, participation, gender and social inclusion, monitoring and evaluation, and inter-municipal cooperation.
    GIZ, SLS, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Implementation of standards for gender equality on local level
    Analysis of the current situation regarding implementation of the policy about gender equality in selected local self-governance units, including analysis of relevant municipal rule books and systematization of jobs, preparing of proposal of Decision on implementation of the policy of gender equality in local government structures. Organization of focus groups aimed at obtaining information on the degree of understanding and assessment of capacity of local government representatives.
    Center for Gender Equality of the Republika Srpska, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training on preparation of the Book of Regulations on organization and systematization of jobs in the administrative bodies in RS
    Eda held a two-day training on the topic: Preparing the Book of Regulations on the organization and systematization of jobs in the administrative bodies in Republika Srpska. The aim of the training was to, through interactive work with the secretaries and their assistants in the republic authorities (ministries, republic administrations and republic administrative organizations), observe all aspects of preparation of Book of Regulations – from the normative (legal) basis for drafting the Book of Regulations, over the rules regulating the principles and techniques of the preparation, the importance of teamwork and communication, understanding the key link between Book of Regulations and human resources management, to practical skills for development of internal organization and systematization of jobs.
    Civil Service Agency RS, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    CAF in public administration
    Training on introduction of quality management system in public administrations according to CAF methodology.
    Civil Service Agency RS, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Preparation of rural development strategy for municipalities Gradiska, Laktaši, Kozarska Dubica and Srbac
    Eda was engaged to prepare and moderate workshops and prepare draft of rural development strategy for the area of four municipalities, Gradiska, Laktaši, Kozarska Dubica and Srbac.
    GIZ, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training on organisational development for municipal leadership and practitioners
    Within the project strengthening local self-governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SLS) implemented by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eda has prepared materials and delivered a training on organisational development. Specific focus was on establishing and functioning of capacities for managing local development.
    GIZ, 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Introduction of system for evaluation of employees in Administration of Banja Luka City
    Introduction of system for evaluation of employees in Administration of Banja Luka City – ESOS includes self-evaluation of employees, evaluation of employees by superior officers, analysis and processing of grades in expert system for decision making according to multy-factor model – DEXI, with final assessment and recommendations for managing human resources.
    The City of Banja Luka, 2010 – 2011
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Analysis of the imported products and possibilities for their production in Republika Srpska The project aims to contribute to increasing the percentage of coverage of imports by exports and reducing foreign trade deficit, through the substitution of imported goods with domestic products. The analysis should point out which products (produced in branches which are under authority of the RS Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining) are imported into Republika Srpska, which products are imported by manufacturers, are there any manufacturers of products which are dominantly imported in Republika Srpska, why domestic producers import needed products instead of purchasing them from producers from Republika Srpska, which manufacturers can produce products that are now mostly imported and what incentives would be most effective in order to improve their competitiveness and how can domestic products successfully substitute imported ones. The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Republika Srpska, 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Marketing consulting «Cistoca» A.D., Banja Luka – creation of the visual identity.
    «IGA – Export-credit Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina», Sarajevo – realisation of qualitative and quantitative research, creation of database, database marketing, creation of company’s bulletin, redesign of visual identity and creation of the Book of the graphics standards, creation of corporative slogan, preparation of promotion event plan.
    «Municipality Mrkonjic Grad» – preparation of the “Mrkonjic Grad Development strategy promotion plan”, creation of the Book of the graphics standards and design of promotional material.
    «Municipality Laktasi» – creation and design of promotional material.
    «TOP – Tvornica opekarskih proizvoda», Banja Luka – creation and design of the printed promotional material used in sales promotion action.
    «Student centre Nikola Tesla», Banja Luka – realization of relevant marketing analysis, creation of the new visual identity and slogan for restaurant Slobodni um.
    Clients – municipalities and enterprises, 2007 – 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    The first apartment The project provides support for establishing institutional solutions regarding effective support for solving young’s housing issue in BiH. Implementation includes research of young’s housing problem in BiH and implementation of an advocacy campaign so that decision makers can responsibly and actively come up to effective solutions. Supported by Royal Netherlands Embassy program administered by CCI, 2009-2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Functional review of relevant sectors in order to support model of multi-type organization of local self-government in RS
    Preparation of a study covering the analytical basis for policy-making in priority areas in which an interest for a possible reallocation of responsibilities between the entity and local levels was expressed, using RIA methodology (assessing the impact of changes in the regulatory framework).
    Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of Republika Srpska, 2010.
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Evaluation of employees’ satisfaction
    This research is a systematic way of collecting and measuring opinions and attitudes of employees about all important aspects of organization, management and work in the Administration of the City of Banja Luka, in accordance with requirements of the CAF methodology and ISO standards.
    The City of Banja Luka, 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training for local development management
    Preparation and delivery of training for local governments about managing local development, with focus on implementation of strategies and plans. This includes research of current experiences and practices in the region, mapping the appropriate functions, structures and processes that enable management of local development as well as design and delivery of specific and customized training program with learning materials.
    UNDP MTS, 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training for preparing a development strategy by using the miPRO methodology
    Eda has implemented training on the preparation of development strategies by using the miPRO methodology in 16 municipalities in BiH as a part of strategy development process. All activities were conducted within ILDP project which was implemented by UNDP. The training preceded each stage of preparation of strategic document and included topics related to preparation of elements of the strategic platform, sectoral plans and the operational part of the strategy.
    UNDP ILDP, 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Development of entity training strategies for local government units
    Eda was selected by UNDP to implement training and provide technical assistance in process of developing entity training strategies for local government units.
    SIDA and UNDP, 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Establishment of an interactive learning centre for local leaders – Edapedia
    Establishing of an interactive learning centre for local leaders should create preconditions for articulating, structuring and transferring specific, direct experiences and solutions in managing and leading municipalities and cities that were established in conditions of social and economic transformation in Western Balkans. Establishment of the centre was initiated on basis of identified need for active support in area of improving and innovating knowledge for strategic and operational management of municipalities and cities.
    Open Society Fund BiH, 2009 – 2010
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    FIRST-RIGHT CHANCE The project FIRST-RIGHT CHANCE (The first for the young, the right one for governments) will, through preparation of effective public policy and design of supporting instruments, ensure significant contribution to youth (self)employment.
    Supported by Royal Netherlands Embassy program administered by CCI, 2008-2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    FIELD project – Framework for Inclusive and Effective Local Development in B&H This project should contribute to proactive and responsive managing of local development in B&H, especially to improving effectiveness of local economic development as well as to more effective stimulating policies and normative framework for local economic development, increased quality and effectiveness of strategies and projects planning and implementation instruments, introducing more efficient management and organizational solutions and improving local capacities for development.
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2007-2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Designing training materials about preparation of sectoral plan for economic development
    Within preparation of municipal development teams for using the miPRO methodology, a training material about the preparation of sectoral economic development plan was developed.
    UNDP ILDP, 2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training for applying the miPRO methodology
    After finalization of the methodological framework for integrated and inclusive local development planning in BiH, two day training for local government units was organized covering subjects related to using new methodology in practice.
    UNDP ILDP, 2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Development of methodological framework for integrated and inclusive local development planning in B&H
    Eda was selected by UNDP to develop a methodological framework for integrated and inclusive local development planning in B&H. Eda has developed theoretical and practical part of a standardized methodology for local development planning.
    SDC and UNDP, 2008 – 2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Capacity building of underdeveloped municipalities for using development funds
    Eda has started implementation of the project aimed at capacity building of underdeveloped municipalities in order to prepare and successfully implement key projects by using available local and foreign donor funds, first of all the IPA funds provided by European Union. Project includes identification of the key projects and training of teams that will develop these projects in accordance with requirements and procedures of European Commission and PCM methodology.
    Open Society Fund BiH, 2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Updating of Economic Development Strategic Plan of Modrica Municipality
    Using methodological and expert support provided by Eda Development Agency and MDP Initiative, municipality Modrica has started activities related to updating of Strategic Plan of Economic Development prepared in 2004 for the period of 2004-2009. The process includes activities of updating of socio-economic analysis of Modrica municipality with the aim to get clear picture of current economic and social conditions in the municipality, as well as drafting development dynamics for the period after Strategic plan has been adopted, i.e. from 2004 until today.
    MDPi, 2008 – 2009
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Study on measuring local investment climate Eda team prepared the study on measuring local investment climate. Study includes several practical approaches for measuring investment climate. GTZ (Deutsche Gesellshaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit), 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Analysis of economic and development needs in beekeeping sector in Northwest B&H Eda team has prepared analysis of current status and needs in beekeeping sector for the area covering 12 municipalities in Northwest B&H. World Vision, 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Development of expert system for supporting decision making on budget priorities Eda has developed and delivered specific software as a tool for decision making on budget priorities. It is based on the expert system platform and tailored to requirements of complex, transparent and efficient evaluation of grounds, content, and financial justification and feasibility of about 500 programs for which more than 90 budget users apply every year. According to the opinion of budget analysts, as main users of the software, it is a high-quality solution whose application will substantially improve the entire process of budget preparation and determining priorities among budget expenditures in RS. Ministry of Finance RS, 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improvement of quality systems in SMEs The goal of the project “Development of cattle breeding and rural financing” is to develop and strengthen cattle production. In the project, Eda has signed a contract for providing services of improvement quality system and introduction of HACCP system in four companies. RS Ministry for agriculture, forestry and water management in cooperation with international partners through the RS Agriculture project coordination unit, 2006 – 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    EU TAC – SME Training and consultancy project The overall objective of the program is increased competitiveness of SME sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal is to establish sustainable economic space that generates new jobs, maintain or adapts current jobs, promotes investment possibilities and develops competitive advantages of regions in the long run. Eda was partner in consortium in the project with budget of approximately 1,5 million €. Delegation of European Commission in B&H in the frame of the EURED (EU Support for Regional Economic Development) project in B&H, 2006 – 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Introduction of the EU technical standards in companies Projects of introduction of EU technical standards in companies had aims to instruct different enterprises in B&H for preparation and implementation of international standards (ISO 9000:2000, ISO 14000, HACCP, CE mark). These projects are realized in following B&H companies:

    • “FRUKTA TRADE”, Derventa – Technological project for production of ketchup and mayonnaise and “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “GOLDEN METRO”, Banja Luka – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “MALIND”, Modrica – “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “MIKROELEKTRONIKA”, Banja Luka – implementation of the project “Verification of product accordance with key demands from EU directives” in order to acquire CE mark for product
    • “MLADEGS PAK”, Prnjavor – Technological project for packing powdered products and “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “MP PANDUREVIC”, Modrica – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 14000
    • “ORNAMENT”, Modrica – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 14000
    • “PADJENI”, Bileca – “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “SEKUNDARAC”, Gradiska – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 14000
    • “TELEGROUP”, Banja Luka – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2001
    • “TESLA”, Modrica – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 14000
    • “TOPLING”, Prnjavor – implementation of the project “Verification of product accordance with key demands from EU directives” in order to acquire CE mark for product and development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000
    • “TRIVAS”, Prnjavor – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 14000, as well as “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “TROPIC RIBARSTVO”, Banja Luka – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “UNIS ADRIA”, Banja Luka – development of integrated management system in accordance with the international management standards ISO 9000:2000 and “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    • “ZIVANIC”, Banja Luka – “Analysis of risks and critical control points” in order to acquire HACCP certificate
    Projects are financed jointly by company itself and various donors (RS Government, BAS Program – EU, etc.) in the frame of their programs and projects for SME support and export improvement initiatives. Projects are realized in B&H SMEs, 2002 – 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Development of Proactive and Responsible Local Leadership in B&H The goal of this project is to initiate and to make easier transition from more-less occasional (ad-hoc) examples of successful leadership of municipalities and cities in B&H to systematic insurance of proactive and responsive local leadership.
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2007-2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Increase of Export related potential of SMEs from Northwest Region of B&H The project was focused on increasing export related potential of industrial SMEs in 7 municipalities in NW region of B&H. The project methodology was designed as an optimal combination of trade, finance and investment promotion schemes, tailored training program, and technical assistance in meeting EU technical standards and business linking as well as producing better policy aimed to export facilitation. After project realization in 2005, in municipalities where project was realized, export has been increased for 53,72% and cover of import with export has been increased for 38,76%. Delegation of European Commission in B&H in the frame of the EU RED (EU Support for Regional Economic Development) project in B&H, 2005 – 2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Development and introduction of the multi-type units of local self-governance in B&H The goal of this project is creation of a new basic model of local self-governance in B&H, by introducing multi-type structure with different scope of responsibilities and differentiated legal status of local units, in order to establish basis flexible enough for substantial functional and fiscal decentralization in B&H.
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2006 – 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    CREDO – Competitive Regional Economic Development in North-East BiH
    Eda is engaged on CREDO to prepare informational-analytical basis for defining and implementing support measures in identified priority industrial sectors. Edaprovides consultancy services in conducting research aimed at defining socio-economic trends, LED infrastructure analysis, and identification of impediments for development of identified key industrial sectors.
    Funded by SIDA and implemented by Development Association NERDA in North-East B&H economic region, 2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Technical Support to the Implementation of Development Strategies
    Establishing and capacity building of adequate offices for managing development in order to enable proactive and responsive management of strategy implementation and updating. Technical assistance, which Eda provides to municipal management and development teams, includes optimal combination of training and consultancy for establishing the offices, preparation of operational plans for priority projects realization, preparation of strategy and projects monitoring and evaluation system as well as updating of strategies.
    In 2007, Eda provided technical support for establishing and capacity building of offices for managing development in the following municipalities: Doboj, Doboj Istok, Petrovo, Usora and Laktasi.
    PMDP project, Laktasi Municipality, 2007-2008
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Government Accountability project (GAP)
    The aim of the GAP project has been to build up capacities of critical number of municipalities in B&H in order to provide better services for citizens, in the framework of good governance concept. GAP project is focused on significant improvement of service sector, as well as system of administration/management in 40 municipalities by using direct interventions in municipalities. Eda was partner in consortium in the project with budget of approximately 20 million USD.
    USAID and the Swedish International development agency SIDA, 2004 – 2007
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training for consultants – project “Promotion of economic development and employment program/ SME promotion in Northwest Region of B&H” The aim of the training was improvement of services offered by local consultants, through training that includes defining role of consultants and consultant’s techniques.
    Training consisted of 9 three-day modules. In the first cycle, Eda participated in preparation and implemnentation of training, and in the second cycle Eda had a leading role.
    GTZ (Deutsche Gesellshaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit), 2005-2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Developing development infrastructure: Lessons (not)learned from the cases of local economic development in B&H Providing proactive solutions for fundamental redesign of actual policies and practices for support in local economic development in B&H
    LGI, 2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Creation of the development strategy for local authorities in B&H by key domestic players The most important goals of the project can be summarised as follows:

    • Introduction of complex issues of local government reform and decentralisation among priority issues in B&H
    • Establishment of leading core of key domestic actors (leading municipalities, NGOs, domestic practitioners and experts that leads in the introduction of principles of good governance) as key force for creation and implementation of the strategy
    • Creation of currently non-existing, systematic and widely accepted Local self-governance development strategy in B&H
    • Establishment of qualitatively new approach in creation of policy and practices for designing solutions for local level in B&H (bottom up instead of top down approach).

    Strategy document was adopted by entities Associations of Cities and Municipalities in May 2006, and, after that, it was forwarded to institutions and authorities for adoption procedure and further implementation.

    Open Society Fund B&H and Municipal Development Project – MDP, 2005-2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Start your business The goal of the project of providing support for employment in line with the RS Development and employment Fund is to train unemployed persons for start-up/formalize some business activities. The realization of the projects consists of providing set of business consultancy and training services for initiation of business activities for unemployed and persons that are willing to create start-up firm (“Start your own business”). In the last 3 years jointly with the RS Development and employment fund and RS Bureau for employment we have achieved following:

    • 361 unemployed persons are trained,
    • 318 new business plans are created,
    • As consequence, 283 trainees (80% success) registered their firms and start up their own businesses
    RS Development and employment fund and RS Bureau for employment, 2004-2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Common Assessment Framework (CAF)
    The aim of the CAF project was to proactively contribute professional standardization/ establishment of unique professional standards of good governance widely accepted in B&H and its equal improvement by using European standards adapted to local conditions.
    Open Society Fund B&H and Municipal Development Project – MDP, 2005 – 2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Community Development Project (CDP) – Strengthening of institutional capacities
    The aim of the project is to strengthen institutional capacities of local authorities and to introduce basic principles and mechanisms of good governance in municipalities through training and consulting for local officials in area of good governance, change managing and team work, code of good governance, public procurement, vision and mission creation as well as creation of strategic plans.
    World Bank with the Government of RS – RS Development and Employment Fund, 2005 – 2006
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Strategic plans for local development Strategic planning is a key instrument for managing local development. It is an open, accessible to all and creative process of making key decisions that shape communities’ future and outline actions that reach desired position. A strategic plan represents a general framework for the allocation of scarce resources for solving key economic problems and meet priority needs. From 2010 we use standardized methodology for local development planning miPRO in process of preparation of development strategies. Eda lead process of development strategy preparation in the following municipalities:

    • Bileca, 2019
    • Trebinje, 2017
    • Čelinac, Novi Grad and Živinice, 2016-2017.
    • Mrkonjić Grad, 2013.
    • Laktaši, 2013.
    • Jajce, 2013.
    • Prijedor, 2013
    • Gradiška, 2012, 2018.
    • Petrovo, 2011.
    • Petrovac, 2011.
    • Bosanska Krupa, 2010.
    • Bosanski Petrovac, 2010.
    • Bužim, 2010.
    • Bugojno, 2010.
    • Cazin, 2010.
    • Doboj, 2010
    • Doboj Istok, 2010.
    • Doboj Jug, 2010.
    • Kostajnica, 2010.
    • Kotor Varoš, 2010.
    • Kozarska Dubica, 2010.
    • Ljubinje, 2010.
    • Prnjavor, 2010.
    • Srbac, 2010.
    • Trnovo RS, 2010.
    • Zenica, 2010.
    • Istočno Novo Sarajevo, 2010.
    • Grad Istočno Sarajevo, 2009/2010.
    • Šipovo, 2009/2010.
    • Modriča, 2009.
    • Trebinje, 2008.
    • Mrkonjić Grad, 2007.
    • Istočna Ilidža – Kasindo, 2006/2007.
    • Laktaši, 2006/2007.
    • Doboj, 2005/2006.
    • Doboj Istok, 2005/2006.
    • Petrovo, 2005/2006.
    • Usora, 2005/2006.
    • Derventa, 2005.
    CDP and MDP projects, Municipality of Laktasi, Municipality of Trebinje, Municipality of Sipovo, Municipality of Istocno Novo Sarajevo, Municipality of Petrovo, Municipality of Petrovac, Municipality of Gradiska, City of Istocno Sarajevo, GTZ/GIZ, UNDP ILDP, 2005 – 2017

  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Analyses of available labor force in the wood processing industry compared with the industry’s requirements in the RS USAID Cluster Competitiveness Activity identified the most significant issues in the wood processing industries in B&H. One of the priority activities was resolving the issue of skills gap and the lack of suitable labor force in the wood processing industry. Among activities aiming at resolving this issue was preparation of Analyses of the existing labor force and training needs in the wood processing sector. USAID, CCA 2005
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Benchmarking in local authorities – The way for Bosnia and Herzegovina Creation of policy study for local self-governments development in B&H
    Open Society Fund, 2004 -2005
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    How to get user oriented local government
    Development of methodology and tools for analysis of users of administrative and public services (includes training and consulting for chosen municipalities)
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2003 – 2004
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improvement of work in municipalities in the Doboj region
    Training and consulting for the Municipal Development Project (MDP)
    MDP, SDC, 2003 – 2004
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    TV Forum-Citizens deserve better
    TV series that showed positive attitudes about possibilities in improvement of local governments in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2003 – 2004
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Preparation of two municipalities for quality management system
    Introduction of the ISO 9001:2000 in municipalities Derventa and Lukavac
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2002 – 2004
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Consulting for revitalization and restructuring of big companies Revitalization and restructuring in companies: Elker (Prijedor), Polietilenka (Bihac), Promo (Donji Vakuf), Famok (Kostajnica), Mebos – Samac, Prijedorka – Prijedor European Commission (Project EUPER), 2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Administrative and regulatory cost survey in B&H Examine state based on sample of 121 organization in B&H that provide administrative services
    World Bank, 2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Establishment of Eda MSC (Multi Service Centre) Restructuring and revitalization of companies in B&H, Establishment of multi-service centre for employment issues, Consulting for economic and social programs within companies European Commission (Project EUPER), 2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Enterprise restructuring in the area of food processing and textile industries in B&H Support to food processing sector by providing technical assistance for 6 companies in B&H European Commission (Agrisystems UK and RES&CO as contractors), 2002-2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Popularization of the basic principles and mechanisms of good local governance
    Promotion and dissemination of good local governance practices
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2002-2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Introduction of the quality management system and PPP concept at municipal level
    Introduction of the ISO 9001:2000 in four municipalities
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2002 – 2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Introduction of principles and mechanism of transparent, efficient and effective user oriented local governance in B&H-follow up
    Introduce principles and mechanisms of transparent, efficient and effective user oriented local governance in four new municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2002 – 2003
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Analysis of 9 municipalities in the Doboj region Preliminary diagnostics in order to create proper project design “Municipal Development in the Doboj region”
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Administrative and regulatory cost survey in B&H Examine state based on sample of 300 companies in B&H – foundation for BAC project
    World Bank, 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Creation of the development strategy for the company VIGMELT, Banja Luka Product and product assortment development in order to attract foreign partner Vigmelt, BAS program 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training for farmers in Prnjavor region Creation of business plans (training for farmers through special, expert training on development of agriculture, profitability and pay-offs in agricultural business Agricultural association in Prnjavor, 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training and consulting for the Municipal Development Project
    Improve municipalities in the Doboj region
    MDP, SDC, 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Analysis of 9 municipalities in the Doboj region
    Preliminary diagnostics in order to create proper project design “Municipal Development in the Doboj region”
    MDP, SDC, 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Introduction of principles and mechanism of transparent, efficient and effective user oriented local governance in B&H
    Introduce principles and mechanisms of transparent, efficient and effective user oriented local governance in pilot municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2001 – 2002
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Promotion and implementation of international principles and standards in public procurement-increasing transparency, lowering corruption To improve foundation and practices related to public procurement, especially at local level
    European Commission, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Methodology of chosen municipalities – preliminary diagnostics related to good governance aspects To create and test methodologies in 10 municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training “Start your business” in the Doboj region Self-employment, employment and business development EG Tuzla, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training “Start your business” for women entrepreneurs in Banja Luka region Self-employment, new business start up Fridrich Ebert Stiftung, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training “Start your business” for women entrepreneurs in Brcko District Self-employment, new business start up UNDP, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improvement of business environment and local economic development Improve business environment and local economic development in chosen municipalities in B&H. Situation analysis and strategic plans of local economic development for municipalities Prnjavor, Kozarska Dubica and Mrkonjic Grad European Commission (QIF-CARE), 2000 – 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training and advisory of UN volunteers Training for business start-ups jointly with training for job seeking UNDP, 2000 – 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Economic component of the project OBNOVA 2000 for Central Bosnia Creation of opportunities for employment and self-employment at local level European Commission (UNDP), 2000-2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Promotion and implementation of international principles and standards in public procurement-increasing transparency, lowering corruption
    To improve foundation and practices related to public procurement, especially at local level
    European Commission, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Methodology of chosen municipalities – preliminary diagnostics related to good governance aspects
    To create and test methodologies in ten municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improvement of business environment and local economic development
    Improve business environment and local economic development in chosen municipalities in B&H
    European Commission (QIF-CARE), 2000 – 2001
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Research of business environment in B&H Determine attitudes and views on business environment (sample of 40 companies in RS)
    World Bank, 2000
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    B&H business competitiveness Examine competitiveness of B&H economy based on survey of selected companies
    MIT center, World Economic Forum, 2000.
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Needs assessment for public administration program in B&H Study- examine needs based on sample of municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2000.
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training “Start your business” for women entrepreneurs in Dubica and Prijedor Self-employment, new business start up UMCOR, 2000
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Needs assessment for public administration program in B&H
    Study- examine needs based on sample of municipalities in B&H
    Open Society Fund B&H, 2000
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Seminars, workshops and consulting for development planning and project management
    Project management and development planning training for municipal teams.
    UNOPS-PROGRESS Sarajevo, 1999-2000
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Management in small and micro enterprises in Banjaluka region and Unsko-Sanski canton To improve capacities for employment in small and micro enterprises PHARE VET, 1999
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Training “Start your business” in Mrkonjic Grad Self-employment, new business start up RS Employment and Development Fund, 1999
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Improve your own business Training for SMEs in order to improve SMEs IOM, 1999
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Start your own business in the Banja Luka region Training and consulting for self-employment and SMEs PHARE VET, 1999
  • Project Goal/ description Donor/Source of funding, year
    Seminars and workshops for municipal employees
    Work improvement in local governments.
    UNOPS-PROGRESS Sarajevo, 1999