A joint meeting of Metal and Wood Processing Industry Sector Boards was held on introducing technical standards in premises of the RS Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic Bureau for Standardization and Metrology of RS, the RS Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship, the RS Ministry for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, the RS Chamber of Commerce, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, as well as directors of companies from metal and wood processing industry.
The importance of technical standards and measures that should facilitate their introduction were discussed at the meeting. Having in mind numerous technical standards and limited resources, prof. Jovišević presented preliminary findings of research and analysis of priority technical standards that would be relevant and applicable to the largest number of companies in metal and wood processing industries. In agreement with key stakeholders in this area, based on the support mechanisms within the project “SBA in BiH”, some of the priority standards will be translated, while also other forms of support to SMEs in implementing technical standards will be developed.
This is part of the activities and efforts to improve the Dimension 7 (Standards and technical regulations) and in particular Sub-Dimensions 7.3. (SME access to standardization) of the SME Policy Index, in which BiH lags behind other Western Balkan countries and Turkey.
We also believe that supporting companies in introduction of technical standards will also contribute to the growth of their exports, especially having in mind that the metal and the wood processing industries are leading export sectors in BiH.
The project “European Small Business Act as a framework of SME strategies and policies in BiH – SBA in BiH” is funded by Sida through the Embassy of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina.