Mechanisms of Transformation

Policy level:

  • Strategic management of SME development (with a rounded cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and updating/revising), harmonized externally (with the SBA
    framework) and internally (in accordance with competences) with a focus on the meso-level of systemic competitiveness (targeted policies, organizations and support instruments);
  • Smart specialization with simultaneous technological, institutional, social and cultural transformation (FutureArt model);
  • Transition to ECG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles and standards.

Method level:

  • Project management (with a greater focus on outcomes)
  • Use of frameworks, models, tools and methods that can lead to systemic impact and are sensitive to complexity (The Flow System, Cynefin, Systemic Competitiveness Framework,
    Change Triangle 3.0, Sensemaker, Scaffolding, Ritual Dissent…)
  • Facilitation, with a focus on discovering potential for changes in the current state and on adjacent possibles that are in the desired direction of change; control of unwanted consequences.

Project level:

  • Line of policy development projects: SBA in BiH, SBA in BiH2EU, S4+…
  • Line of support instrument projects: CREDO, C2C, …
  • Line of SME innovation and networking projects: KRIN, NOVALIS, READy…
  • Line of employment projects: LEP 1 and 2, …
  • (New) line of human resources management projects,
  • Local/regional economy transformation projects: CSO ATTEMPT, …

We are not starting from scratch, but continuing our joint work by piloting innovation support instruments, innovation and energy transition networks in industry, DIHs (Digital Innovation Hubs), product and process development centers, and others. After testing and ensuring the functionality of such instruments, we will work on their integration into appropriate policies that facilitate wider use and application, as has already been done with the instruments we have developed (e.g. the CREDO Development Fund, which has been successfully transformed and is in growing use as the Support Program for the development of the economy, improving efficiency and introducing new technologies by the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska). In addition, one of the focuses of our engagement will be on designing, piloting, and developing new models and practices of human resources management, based on distributed leadership, towards achieving the already defined vision of SME development in BiH: that by 2030, entrepreneurship and career in SMEs for young people and professionals become more attractive than working in the public sector or going abroad.