
Accredited new methods of testing metal materials and products at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in East Sarajevo
Innovation in enterprises
How would you assess public administration?
Promotion of the project “Erasmus for young entrepreneurs” at faculties and high schools in BiH
Results of a public opinion poll on BiH’s Euro-Atlantic integration presented
Progress Study of the project “Digitalization and Innovation in BiH” prepared and presented
Public Notice for Equipment Procurement
Companies from Banja Luka were awarded vouchers for the introduction of innovations worth around KM 100,000
Companies from Zenica were awarded vouchers for the introduction of innovations worth KM 100,000
Workshop on filling in the questionnaire for reporting on the implementation of the SBA in the Federation of BiH
Extended the deadline for expressing interest in technical support in the field of energy efficiency and energy management for area 2: Tešanj – Brčko Distrikt – Tuzla Canton