
Concept of innovation network presented to Sector boards of metal industry and wood processing industry
Prepared Guidelines and Models of the Annual Business Plan and Business Report, as well as the amendments to the Entity Laws on Public Enterprises, were positively evaluated
Methodological innovations for strategic orientation and programming of SME development
Working versions of the prepared amendments discussed at the meeting of the working group
Workshops with the partner public companies – preparation for publishing business plans and business reports
Promotion of industrial occupations
Human resource management in industrial enterprises should be improved
Graduates from Prnjavor successfully completed training for active job search
Workshop on topic “Project Cycle Management” held
At the workshop of development teams of Derventa, Prnjavor and Laktaši municipality, findings of quantitative analyzes and research of the local economy presented
High interest for improving processes in enterprises
The Employment Council established and draft of the Action plan for employment of the Municipality of Prnjavor for 2018-2020 adopted
The third meeting of the working group for preparation of the Action plan for employment of the Municipality of Prnjavor
Training of trainers for implementation of the Law on whistle-blower protection in Republika Srpska was held