Reading room

Das beste von uns – Profile ausgesuchter Unternehmen der Holz- und Möbelindustrie
Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 4
A More Beautiful Side of Success: Successful Women in Economy
Die schönere seite des Erfolgs: Erfolgreiche Frauen in der Wirtschaft
Den bättre sidan av framgången: Framgångsrika kvinnori i näringslivet
European Instruments and Our Experiences in Supporting Enterprises’ Competitiveness
LocalAct – Methodology of Localization of the Small Business Act
Business Environment Barometer of SMEs, Edition 3
Initiative for Less Bureaucracy and More Investments
Regulatory Reforms or Competitiveness of the Economy?
GAP Analysis of the Metal Industry
GAP Analysis of the Food Industry
GAP Analysis of the Wood Processing Industry
GAP Analysis of the Leather and Footwear Industry
Barometer of SMEs’ Business Environment, Edition 2