
Highlights from the 2nd Annual Conference on Support to SME Development in BiH
Common support to the harmonization of the legal and strategic framework for SMEs in BiH.
The 2nd annual conference on support to SME Development – Sarajevo, 20th November
Findings of the survey on attitudes of Republika Srpska citizens on NATO and Euro-Atlantic integration presented
Public call to SMEs to submit grant applications for individual participation in specialized fairs in EU countries
An informative class for participants of the programming training held
Concepts of project proposals for support of women entrepreneurship development in the Brcko District of BiH evaluated as acceptable
Survey of Republika Srpska citizens on NATO integration began
The Law on Amendments to the Law on SME Development was adopted
Support for SMEs in introducing technical standards in focus of a joint meeting of Metal and Wood Processing Industry Sector Boards
A public call for submission of project proposals for improvement of energy efficiency of SMEs from Republika Srpska published
Deadline for submission of project proposal concepts for support of women entrepreneurship development extended
Financial support for training in programming and information technology for unemployed
Valuable experiences from study visit to Berlin on promoting quality, innovation and green economy
A new publication published: Two sides of the medal – Integrity of contracting authorities and tenderers in public procurement