Description: The study presents the situation regarding ICT usage in metal and wood processing industry in BiH; current trends, key fields and level of ICT usage in production; digitalization examples from medium-sized companies in Germany; required measures to support B&H production industry in digitalization, as well as the role of supporting institutions / organizations in this […]
Download publicationDescription: The methodology should enable harmonization of SME strategies and policies, developed and implemented at the relevant planning levels, with the European framework, in order to facilitate and accelerate European integration of BiH in this area, as well as to complete the SME development management cycle according to the same methodological matrix. It is also […]
Download publicationDescription: The flyer contains key information about the Municipality of Prnjavor as an attractive place for investments and business development. It was prepared within the LocalInterAct network project. Year of publication: 2018. Download flyer
Download publicationBeschreibung: Der Flyer enthält wichtige Informationen über die Gemeinde Prnjavor als attraktive Orte für Investitionen und Entwicklungen der Geschäftsführung und ist im Rahmen des Projekts LocalInterAct Netze vorbereitet worden. Erscheinungsjahr: 2018. Flyer übernehmen
Download publicationDescription: The flyer contains key information about the Municipality of Laktaši as an attractive place for investments and business development. It was prepared within the LocalInterAct network project. Year of publication: 2018. Download flyer
Download publicationBeschreibung: Der Flyer enthält wichtige Informationen über die Gemeinde Laktaši als attraktive Orte für Investitionen und Entwicklungen der Geschäftsführung und ist im Rahmen des Projekts LocalInterAct Netze vorbereitet worden. Erscheinungsjahr: 2018. Flyer übernehmen
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